New Monash study on cyclist injuries + Jac Torres-Gomez from Bike Bendigo: on this weeks program Chris discusses a new Monash study Spike in serious road injuries among cyclists by Dr Ben Beck and goes for impromptu editorial about Melbourne politics and transport priorities, and… Continue Reading →
Challenging anti-cyclist attitudes: on this weeks show, Chris starts with broad overview of the last fortnight, from Yarra Councils special meeting on 2017-18 budget, the minimum passing bill being defeated in Victorian Parliament and ongoing issues where overdue bicycle infrastructure… Continue Reading →
Ride and Rally to Parliament and Melbourne Bicycle Diaries: first up, Chris chats with Greens MLC Samantha Dunn about Ride + Rally to Parliament (8.15am, Wednesday 10 May) about the rather underwhelming Victorian state budget for active transport and how you can support #ametrematters minimum passing… Continue Reading →
Burnley Park: This weel Val chats with guest and fellow Burnley Park resident Don Ash and their topic is how Council Planning may affect and impact local wildlife and the health and wellness of local residents. Yarra City Council is… Continue Reading →
Bad planning hinders Walmer Street development + Heatherdale-Syndal Pipe Trail Launch: Chris catches up with Mike Waller from the Walmer Street Action Group on the long running Salta development issue in Walmer St, including bad planning processes and lack of real engagement… Continue Reading →
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