The Dead Mans Creek: some bike news with a focus on Yarra City Council’s Your Say Yarra: A Local Area Place Making Study is being rolled out in three precincts of Yarra in 2017/18. The survey is your chance to have… Continue Reading →
Warm Showers – cyclists and the sharing economy: its a fine late autumn morning as Val and Faith are joined in the studio by Rowan Faltyn and Val’s particularly persistent head cold. We kick off the show sharing our bike… Continue Reading →
Elliot Fishman and the way politicians are talking about cyclists: Val and Faith are joined in the studio on this foggy autumn morning by Elliot Fishman, Director of the Institute for Sensible Transport. We kick off the show by sharing… Continue Reading →
Burnley Park: This weel Val chats with guest and fellow Burnley Park resident Don Ash and their topic is how Council Planning may affect and impact local wildlife and the health and wellness of local residents. Yarra City Council is… Continue Reading →
Vale Jim Freeman and Mike Hall: after several recent 3CR programs dedicated to the Indian Pacific Wheelrace, Val and Chris attempt to process Fridays unbearably tragic news of Mike Halls death on the Monaro highway outside of Canberra. Mike was… Continue Reading →
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