Talking with Sarah Imm, the new Bicycle Mayor of Sydney: on this weeks program Chris catches up with Sarah Imm about her plans as the new Bicycle Mayor of Sydney and how the role was created, her involvement with the Indian Pacific Wheelrace memorial ride for Mike… Continue Reading →
Vale Jim Freeman and Mike Hall: after several recent 3CR programs dedicated to the Indian Pacific Wheelrace, Val and Chris attempt to process Fridays unbearably tragic news of Mike Halls death on the Monaro highway outside of Canberra. Mike was… Continue Reading →
New @3CR #podcast: Cycling in #Sydney w/ David Borella @BIKESydney on RMS, Harbour bridge steps, WestConnex & more — Yarra BUG (@yarrabike) November 7, 2016 Cycling in Sydney, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly: on this weeks… Continue Reading →
Mondring: a innovative circular cycle & pedestrian bridge for Richmond?: on this weeks program: Chris discusses last weeks Guardian Cities article “Sydney’s ‘war on cyclists’: ‘I got fined $106 for not having a bell‘” and influence of ongoing wedge politics… Continue Reading →
NSW cycling laws changes: rego by stealth? On this weeks program Chris catches up with David Borella from BIKESydney. We discuss ongoing impacts of the NSW government removing College St Cycleway, proposed massively increased fines for ‘cycling offences‘, with riders… Continue Reading →
Finally made it to #Melbourne after 2.5 hour delay in Sydney. First stop after picking up my bicycle Spokes Bicycles in Abbotsford, @3crmelbourne to record some summer special podcasts with @cfsmtbation ! What did we discuss? My tips for cycling… Continue Reading →
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