Merie Polkamp talks about her Melbourne cycling experiences: Chris talks to Merie Polkamp about her Melbourne cycling experiences and what led to her writing the article: Male cyclists, what the hell is your problem? We discuss gendered perceptions about cycling, social media… Continue Reading →
Roxanne DeBeaux from Cambridge Cycling Campaign + call for Coburg hitrun information + Give the Space to Bike Riders launch: on this weeks program Chris interviews Roxanne DeBeaux in depth about her cycling journey, how she got started cycling in Melbourne, moving… Continue Reading →
Burnley Park: This weel Val chats with guest and fellow Burnley Park resident Don Ash and their topic is how Council Planning may affect and impact local wildlife and the health and wellness of local residents. Yarra City Council is… Continue Reading →
Vale Jim Freeman and Mike Hall: after several recent 3CR programs dedicated to the Indian Pacific Wheelrace, Val and Chris attempt to process Fridays unbearably tragic news of Mike Halls death on the Monaro highway outside of Canberra. Mike was… Continue Reading →
Roll up, roll up, the Carnivelo is coming to town! Chris chats to Damian Auton about next months 2016 Single Speed Championships, with a packed week in Melbourne and Woodend, chockers full of bicycle festivities, including My Mechanic Rules at Commuter… Continue Reading →
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