On this weeks program Chris discusses updates about Rushall Station bypass, Wellington Street Copenhagen lane funding and 3CR Radiothon, the weekends events and of course, blustery Melbourne weather. This weeks interview is with Cait Jones from Public Transport Not Traffic… Continue Reading →
Val and Faith kick off the show with a reminder that there is still time to donate to the 3CR Radiothon. Donate now and mention Yarra BUG when you do, we have a quota to make! We are joined in… Continue Reading →
Today Chris and Steve kick off the first of two YarraBUG Radiothon programs, as people donating on Monday will have a very high chance of scoring one of five double passes to “Rising From Ashes“, screening at Classic Cinema in Elsternwick!… Continue Reading →
3CR Community Radio Radiothon is on for 2013! Listen this Queens Birthday holiday on Monday 10th June from 10am & call 3CR to make your donation and get in the draw for our great bicycle-themed swag. Do your bit to… Continue Reading →
Val and Faith ease into a wintery morning with studio guest Andy White and our respective bike moments. We remind you that the 3CR Radiothon has kicked off and now is the perfect time to make a donation to support… Continue Reading →
This week we chat about bike moments, weekly round up & Tour de France 2012 kicks off in Belgium. We interview Hap Cameron about the Bikes for Africa film documentary screening in Melbourne, we announce winners of the radiothon giveaways. Lots… Continue Reading →
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