Talking to Anna about The Growing Cycle: on this weeks show Chris chats to Anna from The Growing Cycle – Bicycle Gardeners in northside Naarm / Melbourne about getting started, reusing products, reducing environmental impacts, developing garden food production, using cargo bikes, people’s responses, carrying tools, logistics, gaining experience about bikes from being a exchange student in Copenhagen, creating community through peoples gardens, gardening services#carryshitolympics and having fun through gardening and riding.

Local news includes a retrogressive attitude towards e-scooters in the lead up October 2024 council elections, especially statements made by Nicholas Reece and Arron Wood, onto more positive events like Streets for People: How Yarra’s 30 km/h zone can grow across Melbourne on Wednesday 28 August 2024 and a film screening of Motherload at Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library on Sunday 1 September 2024

Program music

Cycling is fun, Shonen Knife

Amulet, Fakear

Bicycle Song, Live Fashion