The Barcelona bicibus takes to the streets

Bike buses? How Bunchrides plan to make it easy: Faith and Val are joined in the studio by Andrew Talati of Bunchrides and we all share our bike moments before briefly looking. at City of Melbourne news on bike lanes. 

Andrew, whose Bunchrides platform ran Neighbourly Rides in the past, explains how it can now be used to help communities around schools run bike busses. We talk about what a bike bus is, examples elsewhere like the bicibus in Barcelona and Canberra’s Bike Bus, and the issues that need to be addressed to give families and volunteers the confidence to run or use a bike bus to their local school or other community detsination. 

With two local Council’s interested Andrew is looking forward to facilitating bike busses across Melbourne. If your school or your local Council might be interetesed in finding out more you can get in touch with Andrew at andrew[AT]