Support Yarras Making Space trials + advice for people new to riding during COVID-19: on this weeks 3CR program produced at home due to Stage 4 lockdown, Chris talks to Philip Mallis about his article written for people new to cycling (My advice for people who are new to riding bikes during COVID-19) Philip was interviewed earlier this year about journey planning for new & intending riders during COVID-19.
News includes a 8-bit homage to Tour de France it’s final week, watching SBS Cycling Central and the online entertainment of #couchpeloton, #sbstdf, #toursnacks, #fieldart, #tourcats and #tourdogs.
Other news includes the gradual lifting of Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne with two hours exercise allowed per day, a transcription excerpt of Premier highlights pandemic need to remake our streets and urban areas and how you can support City of Yarra Making Space projects, (Elizabeth Street bicycle lane, Park Street bicycle projects, Centre median on Nicholson Street, Abbotsford) by making your submission or question to the Council Meeting by 10am Tuesday 15th September.
Read more: Call to action, Watch City of Yarra livestream from 7pm Tuesday 15th September 2020.