Salary packaging and your new ebike!: Val and Faith kick off the show sharing their bike moments and introducing this week’s studio guest, Thijs van der Heijden of e-astralian. In today’s news we focus on the recent memorial held for the late Paul Farren, the intersections of the worlds in which he shined and the incredible impact he had on so many people over the years. You can watch a Livestream of the memorial service at the Botanic Gardens here.
We move onto the topic of today’s show, salary packaging of ebikes in Australia and how e-stralian have worked to make this a possibility. Ebikes open up transport options to a wide range of the community and the possibilty of salary packaging makes them even more accesible. Thijs talks about how e-stralian works with HR departments and individual employees to make this happen. You can find out more about e-stralian and salary packaging here.