Roxanne DeBeaux from Cambridge Cycling Campaign + call for Coburg hitrun information + Give the Space to Bike Riders launch: on this weeks program Chris interviews Roxanne DeBeaux in depth about her cycling journey, how she got started cycling in Melbourne, moving overseas and being employed by Cambridge Cycling Campaign in the UK.
Roxanne shares her observations and insights on campaigning, funding, working through dockless bikeshare issues in Cambridge and what’s possibly required next for Melbourne to step up with cycling participation and advocacy.
Local news includes a call for witnesses and further information after a hitrun incident involving a teenage girl riding her bike at the intersection of Bell and Sussex Street, Coburg at approximately 8pm, Sunday 5th November 2017.
TowardsZero Give the Space to Bike Riders campaign was launched on the weekend, which promotes vehicles giving bicycle riders 1m passing in 60kmh zones and 1.5m in zones over 60kmh, despite Victoria being the last Australian state, behind the NT, to provide minimum passing trial or legislation.