3CR’s Radiothon is on NOW and it’s time to donate to keep independent, community-owned and community-controlled radio on the airwaves.
New Life Cycle & the 3CR Radiothon!: Its a sunny winter’s morning as we kick off our Radiothon show for 2016. The 3CR Radiothon is the one time of year we ask you to help keep 3CR and the Yarra BUG Radio Show on air by making a donation. You can do so by calling +61 (03) 94198377 and pledging to the Yarra BUG Radio Show or by donating online at 3CR.org.au (Make sure you mention that you would like your donation to support the Yarra BUG Radio Show in the box provided)
Our studio guest Troy Bailey of New Life Cycle fills us in on his plans to ride around Australia with his dog Chloe, raising support for the refugees in Australia’s detenton centres as he goes. Troy and Chloe will leave next Sunday from Federation Square and Troy fills us in the details of his planned route. Lily Smith from Lentil As Anything shares the plight of one of their Tamil chefs who after three years volunteering has been taken into detention.
We finish up with a quick mention of upcoming events, Dirty Deeds CX, another Westie Women ride and Melburn Roobaix, but most importantly for this week, a reminder to help keep 3CR on air by pledging your support with a donation during the Radiothon.
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