Subscribe or donate (or both!) to YarraBUG Radio to get us to our Radiothon target and keep us and 3CR onair! When you contact 3CR with your contribution, please state your donation is for YarraBUG Radio. We have goodies for you lovely people too, so listen in over the next couple of programs :)
Each year 3CR runs a Radiothon to keep the station on air. Feel free to print and distribute the poster and listen to the Radiothon teaser here!
As many thousands of people across the country mobilise against the Abbott government, 3CR Community Radio is asking its listeners and supporters of independent media to join the resistance by donating money to the station during our annual Radiothon. Community radio may have been spared in the Budget – for now at least – but it’s still a disaster for workers, Indigenous people, the elderly, young people, students, Medicare, people with a disability and the unemployed. No doubt the fight is on and the scene is set for a tumultuous few years. It’s more important than ever that in this climate, stations like 3CR continue to thrive. We need your help during our June 2-15 Radiothon.
Our continuous broadcasting of diverse voices and programs is a vital part of the democratic process and a lifeline to communities. With the government signalling its intention to strip money from the community, our function as the voice of the people and a source of news becomes more and more important.3CR is well placed to provide a serious account of what’s happening in the world because our broadcasters are active participants in it. Our broadcasters are West Papuan freedom fighters, CFMEU officials, disability activists and East-West tunnel picketers. Our independence means we are able to provide news and analysis from the ground up, without worrying about what advertisers will think or what the ratings or opinion polls say because the issues we cover on-air are determined by people in the community.
With a passionate crew of more than 400 volunteer programmers broadcasting 130 programs each week in over 20 languages, the station relies on its annual Radiothon to keep the station on air for the next twelve months, covering bills, license fees, equipment upgrades and a skeleton administrative staff. Read more in the Media Release.
Join the resistance – donate to 3CR and save community radio!
Make a tax-deductible donation online at, or by calling 3CR on (03) 9419 8377, or send a cheque or money order payable to ‘Community Radio Federation Ltd’ PO Box 1277 Collingwood 3066.
For more information or to arrange interviews with 3CR staff and programmers, contact Marian McKeown on 0402 049 461.
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