Elizabeth Street Protected Bike Lanes: A history

Elizabeth Street is an east-west street in North Richmond, between Hoddle Street and Church Street. To the west, over Hoddle Street, it links to Albert Street, which hosts separated and then protected bicycle lanes heading into the central business district.
The Elizabeth Street protected lanes in Richmond have a long history since circa 1993 as you can read on this page where we have collated publicly available information, including various reports, meeting notes, Yarra Council Bike Strategy 2010–2015, City of Yarra Bike Strategy – 2016 Refresh, officer reports, community consultation, CALD outreach, online feedback and motions for and against included in Yarra Council agendas / minutes.
This page contains amongst many things, a lot of text, images, links and embedded links so it may load differently on devices or slow connections. Please contact us if you have additional publicly available Elizabeth Street references that could be included on this page.
Yarra Councillor votes in favour of the Elizabeth Street protected bike lanes since 2020: Cr Fristacky, Cr Bosler, Cr Yi Mei, Cr Stone, Cr Coleman, Cr Searle, Cr De Vietri, Cr Wade, Cr Nguyen, Cr Landes, Cr Crossland, Cr Mohamud, Cr O’Brien, Cr Glynatsi.
This page exists as a backgrounder to our current Yarra for safe streets campaign as apparently there has been, to broadly quote, ‘no community consultation’ in relation to these lanes, issues raised by community members and accessibility concerns.
1993: Elizabeth Street lane trial first proposed
For historical context, the Elizabeth Street lane trial was first proposed in 1993 by the Collingwood / Richmond strategic bike plan and again by VicRoads back in 2009. The lanes were installed temporarily in 2020 and made permanent at the Council meeting held in April 2023, with provision for final infrastructure to be designed in consultation with Homes Victoria as part of construction and masterplanning works in the local area.
2008: Elizabeth Street mentioned in East West Link Needs Assessment
March 2008: Sir Rod Eddington mentions in Investing in Transport: East West Link Needs Assessment ‘Project 4: A separated bike lane (‘Copenhagen’ style’) along Albert Street, East Melbourne, into Elizabeth Street, Richmond to Church Street. This would provide an eastern link for CBD commuters that crosses Lennox Street – an important north-south route. Estimated Cost: $2 million, total length: 2.5km’
20 August 2008: Yarra Bicycle Advisory Committee Minutes ‘Inner Melbourne Action Plan (IMAP) Task 2.5, There have been three meetings of the IMAP Task 2.5 group. The most important thing the group has done is to select high priority routes to be planned for improvement and (hopefully) separation. The routes in Yarra are: St Georges Road/Brunswick Street, Rathdowne Street, Heidelberg Road, Wellington Street, Gipps / Nicholson / Lennox / Elizabeth, Cremorne rail line path. Council has made some progress on planning separated routes in Yarra.’
2009: Victorian Cycling Strategy + City of Yarra: Bike Lane Separator Trial – Elizabeth Street
March 2009: Victorian Cycling Strategy: ‘Further priority projects under Victoria Transport Plan (VTP) Improve links in Albert Street and Elizabeth Street in line with works to be undertaken by Melbourne City Council.’ (Page 28)
July 2009: From City of Yarra: Bike Lane Separator Trial – Elizabeth Street, Richmond ‘Vicroads is conducting trials into a device which is aimed at providing better ‘separation’ between motor vehicles and on-road bike lanes. Essentially it is a narrow version of the yellow tram barriers i.e located on Bridge Road.The product will be put down on Elizabeth St in Richmond, from Hoddle St back to under the railway bridge, most likely at the end of July. It will be installed on the south side (i.e. westbound lane) and will probably be there for a few months. This is a location that the City of Yarra requested.
To get the most out of the trial, City of Yarra are keen to receive as much feedback as possible during the trial period and will pass all feedback received onto the consultants, SKM, undertaken the trial for Vicroads. It is anticipated that this product will provide considerable benefit to on-road cyclists, by discouraging infringing motor vehicles and improving actually and perceived safety through a degree of physical separation.’
2010: Hoddle Street Planning Study + Yarra Council Bike Strategy 2010–2015
August 2010: Hoddle Street Planning Study: Hoddle Cycling Evaluation Review System: ‘Aurecon, as part of the Hoddle Vision Team, and as a part of VicRoads Contract 7806 – Hoddle Street Study, undertook a Cycling Evaluation Review System (CERS) audit along Hoddle Street, between Swan Street (Olympic Boulevard) and the Eastern Freeway.
CERS and PERS (Pedestrian Evaluation Review System) are dynamic software applications used to assess and audit the quality of any pedestrian and cycling environment, which can assist in the identification of opportunities to improve pedestrian walking routes, public spaces and cycling infrastructure whilst supporting the effective targeting of resources. On site audits were undertaken on various days between 22/03/2010 and 14/04/2010. The area between Swan Street and Alexandra Parade has been investigated, as well as the routes to local train stations.
Hoddle Street was found to be dominated by vehicles, which generally creates an uninviting environment for pedestrians, cyclists and other users. The lane configuration along Hoddle Street varies from three to four lanes in each direction, turning lanes, bus lanes and kerbside parking. Also, Hoddle Street intersects with Swan Street, Bridge Road / Wellington Parade and Victoria Parade, which have through tram lines running east-west across Hoddle Street.’
Yarra Council Bike Strategy 2010–2015: Part 1 | Part 2 ‘Following the completion of IMAP Action 2.3, Yarra began planning separated treatments for some of the “highest” priority routes identified in IMAP. These include Brunswick Street, Heidelberg Road, Wellington Street, Rathdowne Street, Gipps / Nicholson / Lennox / Elizabeth Streets and the Sandringham Rail line path through Richmond and Cremorne.’ (Page 25)
Figure 7.1.1 (b) Strategy 1 – Local Routes – Actions – Yarra Council Bike Strategy 2010–2015 (Page 32)
Figure 7.1.1 (b) Strategy 1 – Local Routes – Actions (Page 33) Yarra Council Bike Strategy 2010–2015
1.3 Richmond East-West Route: 12.5 Appendix 5 – Maps of the Bicycle Routes Yarra Council Bike Strategy 2010–2015 (Page 72)
1.7 Abbotsford/Richmond Route: 12.5 Appendix 5 – Maps of the Bicycle Routes Yarra Council Bike Strategy 2010–2015 (Page 74)
June 2010: Albert Street protected bike lanes constructed in East Melbourne. The future Elizabeth Street lanes are a direct east-west connection.
Melbourne City Council: ‘Item 5.4: The purpose of this report is to recommend that the Future Melbourne Committee approve modifications to the Albert Street separated bicycle lane treatment, specifically extending the inbound bicycle lane treatment from Clarendon Street to Powlett Street, and installing a consistent outbound clearway time which operates from 4pm to 6.30pm, subject to VicRoads approval, between Gisborne and Hoddle Street.’
Return to top of page2015: Yarra Council Elizabeth Street Works: remove the cyclists squeeze point
29 January 2015: Yarra Council Bicycle Advisory Committee Minutes – Elizabeth Street Works ‘Elizabeth Street has just been reconfigured to remove the cyclists squeeze point between vehicles and the fence and throttles the street down to a single traffic lane onto Albert Street allowing Melbourne to fill the missing gap on Albert Street with a buffered bicycle lane for the two blocks westbound. Expect to see the buffered bicycle lanes on Albert Street in the coming months.’
2016: City of Yarra Bike Strategy – 2016 Refresh + Richmond East-West ‘Copenhagen’ style route
September 2016: City of Yarra Bike Strategy – 2016 Refresh – Strategy 1 – Better On-Road Bicycle Network
‘1.3a Richmond East-West (Elizabeth St) Create a fully separated Copenhagen bike lane on Elizabeth Street. VicRoads Strategic Cycling Corridor. VicRoads Strategic Cycling Corridor.
1.3b Richmond East-West (Elizabeth / Baker / Church St Intersection) At the Baker / Elizabeth / Church St intersection install bike head start signal and reconfigure the intersection layout to improve approach
bike lanes. VicRoads Strategic Cycling Corridor.’
2019: Yarra Council: Elizabeth Street Bike Lane Upgrades
3 December 2019: Yarra City Council Meeting Agenda: Item 11.6 Elizabeth Street Bike Lane Upgrades (36 pages)
‘Purpose: To seek endorsement for a 12 month ‘iterative trial’ to deliver protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street. Key Issues: Travel demand in Yarra is rising rapidly as a result of population growth and there is a pressing need to deliver transport projects that respond to this as efficiently and effectively as possible. Cycling has a high level of priority in City of Yarra policy documents with Elizabeth Street being an important local east/west road and also a key cycle route. However, it currently provides a hostile and intimidating environment for cyclists due to narrow bike lanes that place cyclists between parked car doors and large volumes of moving traffic.
There is a long standing commitment to delivering a protected bike lane facility on Elizabeth Street in the Bike Strategy Refresh 2016. In the 2019/2020 budget resolution, Council committed $400,000 for the delivery of protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street in 2019/20.
The Urban Forest Strategy (UFS) also identifies Elizabeth Street as a high-priority location for tree planting as it is a thermal hotspot, with limited existing tree canopy, significant volumes of pedestrian activity and a large vulnerable population. Taken together, these documents outline a clear long-term vision for this street which includes protected bike lanes and a significant increase in trees and canopy. Delivering transport projects of significance that align with adopted policy is very challenging as it requires the reallocation of busy, highly contested street space which is a sensitive topic in the community.
The Wellington Street protected bike lane project cost $4.5m and took Council nearly ten years to deliver with 11 separate supporting reports tabled for decision makers as part of this process. Contention around possible impacts, and a general divergence of views on various aspects of the project, contributed to the significant amount of time it took to plan for the project before any works could be delivered.
In response to the lessons learnt from Wellington Street, the broader challenges around project delivery and the constrained budget situation, officers propose that an ‘iterative trial’ approach is used to deliver protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street. This would allow the delivery methodology and the design treatment to be tested before further longer term decisions are made by Council that consider the outputs of the trial. It will also mean that upgraded bike facilities can be installed in the requested 2019/20 financial year timeframe. (Report details continued in pdf extract)
3 December 2019: Yarra City Council Meeting Minutes: 11.6 Elizabeth Street Bike Lane Upgrades (Page 20-22)
- That Council:
(a) note the officer report regarding the proposed Elizabeth Street protected bike lane project;
(b) note the alignment of this project with the Council adopted Bike Strategy Refresh and the Urban Forest Strategy;
(c) note that improved cycling lanes on Elizabeth Street also enhances safety on a regional cycling route;
(d) note that in order to provide this protected lane, some kerbside carparking is required to enable the reallocation of road space;
(e) note the Council budget (19/20) allocates $400K for the implementation of protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street from Hoddle to Church Streets; and
(f) note that the preferred design option for the protected bike lanes are ones that are of sufficient width to provide the safety and comfort of cycling. - That in the context of the above, Council:
(a) endorse a 12 month ‘iterative trial’ to deliver protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street as part of a regional cycling route in a timely manner;
(b) endorse the installation of:
(i) Trial design option C for the western section (Little Hoddle Street to Lennox Street); and
(ii) Trial design option A for the eastern section (Lennox Street to Church Street) as outlined in the cross sections of those trial designs in the report;
(c) require all car parking spaces to have a car dooring buffer zone for safety of cyclists;
(d) instruct officers to now commence with the production of detailed design drawings and other procurement related work in order to initiate the trial;
(e) note that works would commence as soon as possible to deliver the trial;
(f) note the construction timeframe of approximately four weeks to deliver the trial once commenced;
(g) note that officers will provide further details of expected timeframes for the installation of the trial as information to Councillors;
(h) authorise officers to commence notification to abutting property owners and occupiers as part of the development of the detailed design outlining the purpose of the 12 month trial and the key components for community understanding; and
(i) note the installed trial design option would remain in situ between the conclusion of the trial at 12 months and the production of a report to Council detailing the performance of the trial as soon as is practicable following the 12 months trial, but within 6 months. - That officers arrange for data collection during the 12 month trial in order to enable evaluation of the trial.
- That Council authorise the Director, Planning and Place Making to instruct staff to make any necessary adjustments to the trial layout during the period of the trial and until Council forms an opinion on its future.
- That Council further note that if the 12 month trial is deemed to be successful by Council, following a report by officers, that progression will then occur by officers for a permanent solution (with or without changes as determined by the full Council).
Councillor Jolly left the meeting at 9.01pm
Councillor Jolly returned at 9.04pm
Public Submissions
The following people addressed Council on the matter:
Jeremy Lawrence; and Troy Parsons.
Council Resolution
Moved: Councillor Bosler, Seconded: Councillor Searle
- That Council:
(a) note the officer report regarding the proposed Elizabeth Street protected bike lane project;
(b) note the alignment of this project with the Council adopted Bike Strategy Refresh and the Urban Forest Strategy;
(c) note that improved cycling lanes on Elizabeth Street also enhances safety on a regional cycling route;
(d) note that in order to provide this protected lane, some kerbside carparking is required to enable the reallocation of road space;
(e) note the Council budget (19/20) allocates $400K for the implementation of protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street from Hoddle to Church Streets; and
(f) note that the preferred design option for the protected bike lanes are ones that are of sufficient width to provide the safety and comfort of cycling. - That in the context of the above, Council:
(a) endorse a 12 month ‘iterative trial’ to deliver protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street as part of a regional cycling route in a timely manner;
(b) endorse the installation of:
(i) Trial design option C for the western section (Little Hoddle Street to Lennox Street); and
(ii) Trial design option A for the eastern section (Lennox Street to Church Street) as outlined in the cross sections of those trial designs in the report;
(c) require all car parking spaces to have a car dooring buffer zone for safety of cyclists;
(d) instruct officers to now commence with the production of detailed design drawings and other procurement related work in order to initiate the trial;
(e) note that works would commence as soon as possible to deliver the trial;
(f) note the construction timeframe of approximately four weeks to deliver the trial once commenced;
(g) note that officers will provide further details of expected timeframes for the installation
of the trial as information to Councillors;
(h) authorise officers to commence notification to abutting property owners and occupiers as part of the development of the detailed design outlining the purpose of the 12 month trial and the key components for community understanding; and
(i) note the installed trial design option would remain in situ between the conclusion of the trial at 12 months and the production of a report to Council detailing the performance of the trial as soon as is practicable following the 12 months trial, but within 6 months. - That officers arrange for data collection during the 12 month trial in order to enable evaluation of the trial.
- That Council authorise the Director, Planning and Place Making to instruct staff to make any necessary adjustments to the trial layout during the period of the trial and until Council forms an opinion on its future, unless these changes are major, where Councillors should be informed of these.
- That Council authorise officers to engage with DHHS to determine impact on DHHS tenants of trial bike lane and provide data back to Council on the occupancy rates of DHHS parking to ensure no undue impact on DHHS tenants.
- That Council further note that if the 12 month trial is deemed to be successful by Council, following a report by officers, that progression will then occur by officers for a permanent solution (with or without changes as determined by the full Council).
Carried Unanimously
Return to top of page2020: Elizabeth Street included in Strategic Cycling Corridors + Elizabeth Street Bicycle Lane Report
Strategic Cycling Corridors in Victoria: Strategic Cycling Corridors (SCC) are important transport routes for cycling and are a subset of the Principal Bicycle Network (PBN). ‘The SCC network supports the needs of commuter trips (to work or education). Which includes important trips, such as stations, shops or schools.’

Albert Street, East Melbourne – Elizabeth Street, Richmond shown as official Strategic Cycling Corridor in interactive arcgis map
‘The SCC network links up important destinations. Which includes central Melbourne city, employment and activity centres. This also includes other destinations of metropolitan and regional significance. SCCs can be on and off road, on municipal and state roads. It’s designed to provide a safe, lower-stress cycling for transport experience. These are five key principles underpin the SCC network:
Destination focused: supports continuous cycling routes. They are linking up significant destinations across suburbs and municipalities
Safe: encourages greater cycling for transport. Through the provision of safer, lower-stress cycle environments.
Direct: provides cyclists with better travel time routes. Often this is the shortest and most direct route.
Connected: SCCs are supported and strengthened. By municipal and local cycling links that provide for end-to-end cycling trips.
Integrated: SCCs are integrated with a broader transport network. Which are located on transport routes where cycling is a priority.
The SCC network was researched and updated in 2020. Drawing on international best practices, considered the local context and extensive stakeholder input. You can view the updated SCC network by clicking on the interactive map‘.
15 September 2020: Yarra City Council Special Meeting Agenda: Item 11.1 Elizabeth Street bicycle lane
1.That Council note that: (Pages 24 -26)
(a) the December 2019 Council resolution required officers to implement a 12 month trial of protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street and to monitor its performance via quarterly update reports before reporting back formally to the Council on next steps within 6 months of the conclusion of the 12 month trial period.(b) the project had been stated as an intended bike project in Council adopted strategies since 2010, being referenced specifically in the 2010 Bike Strategy, the 2015 Bike Strategy Refresh and also, in the Climate Emergency Plan (May 2020);
(c) the protected bike lane trial was designed to specifically provide for safer cycling on a strategic bike route;
(d) the protected bike lanes were installed and completed in early July this year through the process of a ‘pilot and trial’ methodology so that:
(i) it could be tested, adapted and adjusted, as need be, through minor changes to improve its performance, and
(ii) its performance can inform future decisions of the Council as to whether or not the separated bike lanes should be confirmed and formalised through more permanent road surfaces and treatments;
(e) the separated bike lanes require a particular width of bike lane and buffer strip to be effective, safe and efficient. This enables cyclists to travel in a safe and comfortable manner and for the lanes to be capable of accommodating increased ridership into the future;
(f) the width of the separated bike lanes implemented in the trial are similar to those used in stage 2 of the Wellington Street, Collingwood separated bike lanes;
(g) the current 2016 VicRoads guidelines of the Department of Transport provide certain minimum widths of bike lanes abutting parked cars and carriageway lanes, and also buffer lanes to minimise propensity for car dooring of cyclists;
(h) the Department of Transport have developed draft new Cycling Guidelines, which, it is understood, will be considered for formal endorsement very shortly, possibly by the end of September this year; and
(i) the limited road width (kerb to kerb) of Elizabeth Street, east and west of Lennox Street, does not enable carparking on both sides of the street to be provided unless the protected bike lanes are reduced to a width of approx. 1.5 m in some sections with a buffer lane of 0.5 m, that is not compliant with the 2016 VicRoads guidelines.
2. That Council further note:
(a) the concerns of the local community expressed since the installation of the trial separated bike lanes, and in particular, the matters raised regarding safety, and perceived safety, due to stated need to often park their car further away from their homes and the concerns stated regarding local behavioural issues in the street;
(b) the other concerns raised in the written material provided to Council by many community members (as reproduced in Attachment 3);
(c) the petition lodged with Council on 21 July, 2020 with some 75 signatures as reproduced in Attachment 2;
(d) the dialogue that has occurred to date between senior Council staff and the local community spokespersons;
(e) the minor adjustments made to date, and the possible other adjustments that may be shortly made, as outlined in the report and attachment 4;
(f) the criteria outlined in the report that specify what would be considered fundamental changes to the trial and therefore in the domain of requiring full Council consideration and determination;
(g) that the trial has been installed for approx. 2 months at this stage;
(h) that a formal trial update report is scheduled which details data collected 3 months after the trial has been in operation;
(i) that further parking occupancy surveys are commissioned and being undertaken in preparation for a first formal evaluation period report to Council; and
(j) that as part of the evaluations during this 12 month period, there would be intercept surveys with persons using Elizabeth Street including residents, drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to further inform the evaluation of the trial for Council consideration.
3. That Council note that the community concerns relate substantially to the removal of parking on the north side of the street and consequential aspects as a result of that parking removal; including such matters as:
(a) reduced opportunity to park as close to home / work / place of worship and for persons to visit premises in Elizabeth Street;
(b) the increased likelihood in some cases of needing to travel further and / or longer as a pedestrian in the local streets where particular behavioural issues exist; and matters of safety / feeling safe to those persons;
(c) issues relating to delivery of materials to premises for building works;
(d) issues relating to delivery of supplies and or purchasers to homes / businesses;
(e) access to parked cars;
(f) access for pedestrians across the street; and
(g) similar aspects; as outlined in the Attachment 3
4. That in this regard, Council further note:
(a) that further parking surveys are being undertaken at present, and will again be undertaken once COVID restrictions are relaxed to assess the parking occupancy rates in the local streets;
(b) that Council has requested the DHHS to improve the lighting in the DHHS off street carparks in order to increase the propensity for residents in the DHHS estate to use those carparks and to reduce the demand for the onstreet parking in Elizabeth Street and nearby streets;
(c) that some aspects of residents / business concerns can be pursued with normal Council operational protocols, such as persons obtaining Council approvals for time limited occupations of the road / bike lane for particular needs (i.e. road occupation permits) and officers can assist local community members on accessing that information;
(d) that some aspects raised by community members have been partly addressed with some minor changes (such as a disability parking bay, stencils on the footpath to warn pedestrians to look right), and some other minor changes can equally be addressed by some other installations of loading bays / taxi ranks etc. as sought by the community;
(e) that parking restriction changes in Elizabeth Street and surrounding streets can be assessed and determined by the Council through normal parking restriction protocols and committees to address and determine the requests; and
(f) that in some instances, advisory signage and warning signs can be provided on pavements, and in conspicuous locations, to provide warnings to pedestrians and cyclists and persons accessing parked cars whilst the new arrangements become more familiar with the local community and the road users.
5. That Council note the section of the report headed Guidelines for bike lane and buffer widths, and in particular paragraphs 56-57 in relation to the discussion regarding widths of protected cycling lanes and associated buffer lanes.
6. That Council note Attachment 5 which provides both information and an illustration of the assessment of various widths of bike lanes, and buffer lanes, against State guidelines, and in particular the consequential width of those lanes if parking on the north side of the street was reinstated.
7. That Council also note advice from officers that a bidirectional bike lane in Elizabeth Street, as some community members have suggested as an alternative, would not be appropriate or recommended due specifically to connection issues at Hoddle Street and Church Street which would largely render such a facility as ineffective and cumbersome for cyclists.
8. That Council note that any realignment of the various lanes and buffer widths would create the need for corresponding changes to be undertaken to other line marking across the street.
9. That in the context of all of the above, Council: (a) note the officer report, the analysis provided to date, the material provided in the attachments, the commentary of the local community as reproduced in Attachment 3, and comments received at the Council meeting; and
(b) consider these comments, and points of view, as part of its deliberations in determining a way forward in this matter.
Councillor O’Brien left the meeting at 8.34pm
Public Submissions
The following people made a submission to Council on the matter:
Ronen Savicky;
Dora Houpis;
Jenny Duong;
Cuc Trang * (Rhys Thomas read out the submission);
Sasha Beitner;
Alex Marks;
Thay Minh Tri Dang – Monk, Chua Phuoc Tuong * (Rhys Thomas read out the submission);
Helen Nguyen * (Rhys Thomas read out the submission);
Adam Promnitz;
Michael Smith;
William Ly;
Mark Soffer;
Sarah Dixon;
Herschel Landes;
Robert Buttery;
Karen Hovenga;
Kate Drake;
David Balding;
Diana I;
Lucy Platt;
Kathryn Skidmore;
Jeremy Burke;
Troy Parsons; and
Jeremy Lawrence (Streets Alive Yarra).
Councillor O’Brien returned at 9.18pm
Motion – Moved: Councillor Jolly Seconded: Councillor O’Brien
- That Council note that:
(a) the December 2019 Council resolution required officers to implement a 12 month trial of protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street and to monitor its performance via quarterly update reports before reporting back formally to the Council on next steps within 6 months of the conclusion of the12 month trial period;
(b) the project had been stated as an intended bike project in Council adopted strategies since 2010, being referenced specifically in the 2010 Bike Strategy, the 2015 Bike Strategy Refresh and also, in the Climate Emergency Plan (May 2020);
(c) the protected bike lane trial was designed to specifically provide for safer cycling on a strategic bike route;
(d) the protected bike lanes were installed and completed in early July this year through the process of a ‘pilot and trial’ methodology so that:
(i) it could be tested, adapted and adjusted, as need be, through minor changes to improve its performance, and
(ii) its performance can inform future decisions of the Council as to whether or not the separated bike lanes should be confirmed and formalised through more permanent road surfaces and treatments;
(e) the separated bike lanes require a particular width of bike lane and buffer strip to be effective, safe and efficient. This enables cyclists to travel in a safe and comfortable manner and for the lanes to be capable of accommodating increased ridership into the future;
(f) the width of the separated bike lanes implemented in the trial are similar to those used in stage 2 of the Wellington Street, Collingwood separated bike lanes;
(g) the current 2016 VicRoads guidelines of the Department of Transport provide certain minimum widths of bike lanes abutting parked cars and carriageway lanes, and also buffer lanes to minimise propensity for car dooring of cyclists;
(h) the Department of Transport have developed draft new Cycling Guidelines, which, it is understood, will be considered for formal endorsement very shortly, possibly by the end of September this year; and
(i) the limited road width (kerb to kerb) of Elizabeth Street, east and west of Lennox Street, does not enable car parking on both sides of the street to be provided unless the protected bike lanes are reduced to a width of approx. 1.5 m in some sections with a buffer lane of 0.5 m, that is not compliant with the 2016 VicRoads guidelines. - That Council further note:
(a) the concerns of the local community expressed since the installation of the trial separated bike lanes, and in particular, the matters raised regarding safety and due to stated need to often park their car further away from their homes and the concerns stated regarding local behavioural issues in the street;
(b) the other concerns raised in the written material provided to Council by many community members (as reproduced in Attachment 3);
(c) the petition lodged with Council on 21 July, 2020 with some 75 signatures as reproduced in Attachment 2;
(d) the dialogue that has occurred to date between senior Council staff and the local community spokespersons;
(e) the minor adjustments made to date, and the possible other adjustments that may be shortly made, as outlined in the report and attachment 4;
(f) the criteria outlined in the report that specify what would be considered fundamental changes to the trial and therefore in the domain of requiring full Council consideration and determination;
(g) that the trial has been installed for approx. 2 months at this stage;
(h) that a formal trial update report is scheduled which details data collected 3 months after the trial has been in operation;
(i) that further parking occupancy surveys are commissioned and being undertaken in preparation for a first formal evaluation period report to Council; and
(j) that as part of the evaluations during this 12 month period, there would be intercept surveys with persons using Elizabeth Street including residents, drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to further inform the evaluation of the trial for Council consideration. - That Council note that the community concerns relate substantially to the removal of parking on the north side of the street and consequential aspects as a result of that parking removal; including such matters as:
(a) reduced opportunity to park as close to home / work / place of worship and for persons to visit premises in Elizabeth Street;
(b) the increased likelihood in some cases of needing to travel further and / or longer as a pedestrian in the local streets where particular behavioural issues exist; and matters of safety / feeling safe to those persons;
(c) issues relating to delivery of materials to premises for building works;
(d) issues relating to delivery of supplies and or purchasers to homes / businesses;
(e) access to parked cars;
(f) access for pedestrians across the street;
(g) nowhere for emergency vehicles to stop on the Northern side;
(h) nowhere for anyone to safely access taxis and ubers on the street, especially at North Richmond train station; and
(i) similar aspects; as outlined in the Attachment 3. - That in this regard, Council further note:
(a) that further parking surveys are being undertaken at present, and will again be undertaken once COVID restrictions are relaxed to assess the parking occupancy rates in the local streets;
(b) that Council has requested the DHHS to improve the lighting in the DHHS off street carparks in order to increase the propensity for residents in the DHHS estate to use those carparks and to reduce the demand for the on street parking in Elizabeth Street and nearby streets;
(c) that some aspects of residents / business concerns can be pursued with normal Council operational protocols, such as persons obtaining Council approvals for time limited occupations of the road / bike lane for particular needs (i.e. road occupation permits) and officers can assist local community members on accessing that information;
(d) that some aspects raised by community members have been partly addressed with some minor changes (such as a disability parking bay, stencils on the footpath to warn pedestrians to look right), and some other minor changes can equally be addressed by some other installations of loading bays / taxi ranks etc. as sought by the community;
(e) that parking restriction changes in Elizabeth Street and surrounding streets can be assessed and determined by the Council through normal parking restriction protocols and committees to address and determine the requests; and
(f) that in some instances, advisory signage and warning signs can be provided on pavements, and in conspicuous locations, to provide warnings to pedestrians and cyclists and persons accessing parked cars whilst the new arrangements become more familiar with the local community and the road users. - That Council note the section of the report headed Guidelines for bike lane and buffer widths, and in particular paragraphs 56-57 in relation to the discussion regarding widths of protected cycling lanes and associated buffer lanes.
- That Council note Attachment 5 which provides both information and an illustration of the assessment of various widths of bike lanes, and buffer lanes, against State guidelines, and in particular the consequential width of those lanes if parking on the north side of the street was reinstated.
- That Council also note advice from officers that a bidirectional bike lane in Elizabeth Street, as some community members have suggested as an alternative, would not be appropriate or recommended due specifically to connection issues at Hoddle Street and Church Street which would largely render such a facility as ineffective and cumbersome for cyclists.
- That Council note that any realignment of the various lanes and buffer widths would create the need for corresponding changes to be undertaken to other line marking across the street.
- That in the context of all of the above, Council:
(a) note the officer report, the analysis provided to date, the material provided in the attachments, the commentary of the local community as reproduced in Attachment 3, and comments received at the Council meeting; and
(b) having particular regard to the extensive community representations, especially the concerns relating to the adverse public safety impacts of removing the car parking spaces, now request officers to:
(i) undertake the works designated as Option 2 in clause 46 of the Officers Report, that is, to narrow the separated bike lanes/buffer zone on both sides of the road and reinstall car parking on the northern side; and
(ii) re-instate parking restrictions on the north side as per the pre-trial restrictions, and in turn, alter the south side to pre-trial restrictions, as soon as possible.
Call for a division
For: Councillors Jolly and O’Brien
Against: Councillors Coleman, Fristacky, Stone, Chen Yi Mei, Searle and Bosler
Council Resolution
Moved: Councillor Fristacky Seconded: Councillor Coleman
- That Council note that:
(a) the December 2019 Council resolution required officers to implement a 12 month trial of protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street and to monitor its performance via quarterly update reports before reporting back formally to the Council on next steps within 6 months of the conclusion of the12 month trial period;
(b) the project had been stated as an intended bike project in Council adopted strategies since 2010, being referenced specifically in the 2010 Bike Strategy, the 2015 Bike Strategy Refresh and also, in the Climate Emergency Plan (May 2020);
(c) the protected bike lane trial was designed to specifically provide for safer cycling on a strategic bike route;
(d) the protected bike lanes were installed and completed in early July this year through the process of a ‘pilot and trial’ methodology so that:
(i) it could be tested, adapted and adjusted, as need be, through minor changes to improve its performance, and
(ii) its performance can inform future decisions of the Council as to whether or not the separated bike lanes should be confirmed and formalised through more permanent road surfaces and treatments;
(e) the separated bike lanes require a particular width of bike lane and buffer strip to be effective, safe and efficient. This enables cyclists to travel in a safe and comfortable manner and for the lanes to be capable of accommodating increased ridership into the future;
(f) the width of the separated bike lanes implemented in the trial are similar to those used in stage 2 of the Wellington Street, Collingwood separated bike lanes;
(g) the current 2016 VicRoads guidelines of the Department of Transport provide certain minimum widths of bike lanes abutting parked cars and carriageway lanes, and also buffer lanes to minimise propensity for car dooring of cyclists;
(h) the Department of Transport have developed draft new Cycling Guidelines, which, it is understood, will be considered for formal endorsement very shortly, possibly by the end of September this year; and
(i) the limited road width (kerb to kerb) of Elizabeth Street, east and west of Lennox Street, does not enable carparking on both sides of the street to be provided unless the protected bike lanes are reduced to a width of approx. 1.5 m in some sections with a buffer lane of 0.5 m, that is not compliant with the 2016 VicRoads guidelines. - That Council further note:
(a) the concerns of the local community expressed since the installation of the trial separated bike lanes, and in particular, the matters raised regarding safety, and perceived safety, due to stated need to often park their car further away from their homes and the concerns stated regarding local behavioural issues in the street;
(b) the other concerns raised in the written material provided to Council by many community members (as reproduced in Attachment 3);
(c) the petition lodged with Council on 21 July, 2020 with some 75 signatures as reproduced in Attachment 2;
(d) the dialogue that has occurred to date between senior Council staff and the local community spokespersons;
(e) the minor adjustments made to date, and the possible other adjustments that may be shortly made, as outlined in the report and attachment 4;
(f) the criteria outlined in the report that specify what would be considered fundamental changes to the trial and therefore in the domain of requiring full Council consideration and determination;
(g) that the trial has been installed for approx. 2 months at this stage;
(h) that a formal trial update report is scheduled which details data collected 3 months after the trial has been in operation;
(i) that further parking occupancy surveys are commissioned and being undertaken in preparation for a first formal evaluation period report to Council; and
(j) that as part of the evaluations during this 12 month period, there would be intercept surveys with persons using Elizabeth Street including residents, drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to further inform the evaluation of the trial for Council consideration. - That Council note that the community concerns relate substantially to the removal of parking on the north side of the street and consequential aspects as a result of that parking removal; including such matters as:
(a) reduced opportunity to park as close to home / work / place of worship and for persons to visit premises in Elizabeth Street;
(b) the increased likelihood in some cases of needing to travel further and / or longer as a pedestrian in the local streets where particular behavioural issues exist; and matters of safety / feeling safe to those persons;
(c) issues relating to delivery of materials to premises for building works;
(d) issues relating to delivery of supplies and or purchasers to homes / businesses; (e) access to parked cars;
(f) access for pedestrians across the street, and
(g) similar aspects; as outlined in the Attachment 3. - That in this regard, Council further note:
(a) that further parking surveys are being undertaken at present, and will again be undertaken once COVID restrictions are relaxed to assess the parking occupancy rates in the local streets;
(b) that Council has requested the DHHS to improve the lighting in the DHHS off street carparks in order to increase the propensity for residents in the DHHS estate to use those carparks and to reduce the demand for the onstreet parking in Elizabeth Street and nearby streets;
(c) that some aspects of residents / business concerns can be pursued with normal Council operational protocols, such as persons obtaining Council approvals for time limited occupations of the road / bike lane for particular needs (i.e. road occupation permits) and officers can assist local community members on accessing that information;
(d) that some aspects raised by community members have been partly addressed with some minor changes (such as a disability parking bay, stencils on the footpath to warn pedestrians to look right), and some other minor changes can equally be addressed by some other installations of loading bays / taxi ranks etc. as sought by the community;
(e) that parking restriction changes in Elizabeth Street and surrounding streets can be assessed and determined by the Council through normal parking restriction protocols and committees to address and determine the requests; and
(f) that in some instances, advisory signage and warning signs can be provided on pavements, and in conspicuous locations, to provide warnings to pedestrians and cyclists and persons accessing parked cars whilst the new arrangements become more familiar with the local community and the road users. - That Council note the section of the report headed Guidelines for bike lane and buffer widths, and in particular paragraphs 56-57 in relation to the discussion regarding widths of protected cycling lanes and associated buffer lanes.
- That Council note Attachment 5 which provides both information and an illustration of the assessment of various widths of bike lanes, and buffer lanes, against State guidelines, and in
particular the consequential width of those lanes if parking on the north side of the street was
reinstated. - That Council also note advice from officers that a bidirectional bike lane in Elizabeth Street,
as some community members have suggested as an alternative, would not be appropriate or recommended due specifically to connection issues at Hoddle Street and Church Street which would largely render such a facility as ineffective and cumbersome for cyclists. - That Council note that any realignment of the various lanes and buffer widths would create the need for corresponding changes to be undertaken to other line marking across the street.
- That in the context of all of the above, Council determines to endorse Option 1 in Clause 46 to retain the current trial as endorsed by Council in December 2019, allowing for adjustments, and refinements with further assessment at the end of the trial period and:
(a) note the officer report, the analysis provided to date, the material provided in the attachments, the commentary of the local community as reproduced in Attachment 3, and comments received at the Council meeting; and
(b) additionally, ask Officers to prepare the next quarterly report for the new Council which includes community and resident consultation including materials in languages, which proposes the options outlined in this Report for feedback, if viable and including new information from the DoT Guidelines.
Call For A Division
For: Councillors Coleman, Fristacky, Stone, Chen Yi Mei, Searle and Bosler
Against: Councillors Jolly and O’Brien
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9.57pm
The Meeting resumed at 10.03pm
Item 11.1 Elizabeth Street bicycle lane attachments included in Special Meeting Agenda. For easier access these files have been split from original attachments.
Elizabeth Street bicycle lane: Executive Summary (2 pages)
Elizabeth Street bicycle lane: Purpose and Background (20 pages)
Attachment 1- Image of Trial 2: This pictorial shows the trial as delivered, and some tweaks made in response to community feedback. (9 pages)
Attachment 2 – Community Safety Commentary: There were a number of submissions in which people articulated how personal safety was compromised as a consequence of the distribution and consumption of illict drugs in the precinct and the Safer Elizabeth Street project was unwelcome. (4 pages)
Attachment 3 – Community Feedback: Elizabeth Street Assessment (Resident) A table was offered by officers to provide a framework basis for discussion. The text highlighted was inserted by Mark Soffer following his further discussions with some residents on Elizabeth Street. (4 pages)
Attachment 3 – Community Feedback – General Feedback on Your Say Yarra – Trialling a Safer Elizabeth Street. This includes 231 respondents and their feedback received online at Safer Elizabeth Street. (29 pages)
Attachment 4 – Community Engagement: Community engagement and responding to feedback. (6 pages) Consultation Approach. There has been some commentary in the local community that there was no notification process prior to works being delivered and that the material issued was not in multiple languages to reflect the local community.
Elizabeth St Options & bike Infra Design Attachment (5 pages) Elizabeth Street Options and Bike Infrastructure Design Guidelines Assessment. The following bicycle infrastructure design guidelines are relevant to this project: Draft Department of Transport Cycling Guide 2020, VicRoads Design Guidance for Strategically Important Cycling Corridors, 2016 VicRoads Guidance on Treating on Bicycle Car Dooring Collisions 2016, Austroads Guide to Road Design – Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling 2017, Cycling Aspects of Austroads Guides 2017.
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2021: Elizabeth Street Protected Bike Lanes Trial + Report
10 November 2021: Elizabeth Street update: ‘A report will be presented to Council on the Elizabeth Street protected bike lane trial on Tuesday 23 November. Since the trial began in July 2020 Council has been seeking comments and feedback in real time about the new traffic and road layout conditions created using temporary infrastructure. We encourage you to view the report on Council’s website from Thursday, 18 November. You are also welcome to view the Council meeting online and / or register to speak at the meeting’
21 December 2021: Yarra City Council Meeting Agenda: Item 8.1 Elizabeth Street Protected Bike Lanes Trial
1. For Council to consider extending the existing 12-month pilot trial of protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street given the ongoing impacts on movement of persons due to the COVID-19 pandemic and also the significant difficulties with data collection.
Critical analysis / History and background
2. Elizabeth Street is designated as a ‘strategic cycling corridor’ by the Department of Transport and connects the central city via Albert Street in East Melbourne to Richmond and the inner east suburbs.
3. Protected (or separated) bike lanes on Elizabeth Street were first proposed in Council’s 2010 Bicycle Strategy.
4. In December 2019, Council resolved to implement a 12-month trial of protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street.
5. The ‘Pilot and Trial’ methodology (as detailed in that Council report) emphasised ongoing data collection and engagement with the community to assess how the trial is performing before a decision would be made on any permanent road design.
6. It is also noted that the ‘Pilot and Trial’ approach has been used as the first iteration of possible permanent protected bike lanes in this location using more permanent materials and landscaping.
7. The image below shows an image of the pilot and trial protected bike lanes outcome through the use of bollards and chevron paint lines to delineate the lanes.
(a) It is noted that the intention of any permanent protected bike lanes in this location, is to plant trees on the northern side of the roadway, between the separated bike lane (east bound) and the carriageway for vehicles (where the chevron lines are to the right hand side of the above image);
(b) This would be tree plantings that, at semi maturity, would begin to provide some upper canopy, and hence shade and amenity improvements to this particular location;
(c) The Elizabeth Street location was one of the identified areas in the adopted Urban Forest Strategy (2017) analysis of the need for tree plantings (upper canopy); and
(d) The intent of any permanent works is that it comprise both protected bike lanes in each direction, with comfortable and safe space for cycling, and also the inclusion of vegetation.
The current trial
- The original intention was to deliver the trial project in April 2020. This was delayed due to practical matters associated with COVID-19 at that time, instead the trial was installed in July 2020.
- The Council resolution stated that the installed trial design option would remain in situ between the conclusion of the trial at 12 months, and the production of a report to Council detailing its performance to inform decision making on any longer-term road treatment.
- The resolution also stated that this report be produced as soon as practicable following the completion of the 12-month trial, but within six months of its completion.
- The trial road configuration installed in July 2020 (in the specific layout as formally endorsed in December 2019) was again considered by Council in September 2020 (approximately three months after it was installed). This was in response to questions from some members of the local community regarding the rationale for certain aspects of the design. Some of these queries specifically related to the width of the protected bike lanes and why on-street car parking needed to be removed on the north side of the street to achieve these widths.
- It is important to note that the protected bike lane widths are to create modern standard bike lanes. They are also compliant with the new draft State Government cycle design guidelines (yet to be formally released).
- At this width, they provide the following benefits:
(a) enable cyclists of different speeds to pass each other;
(b) provide a more comfortable and safer riding environment;
(c) allow one cyclist to swerve around another cyclist in the event of a sudden stop due to an incident (a puncture or broken chain);
(d) increase the capacity of the bike lane;
(e) responds to feedback from cyclists using Wellington Street protected bike lanes (indicating that they should be wider for safety and passing);
(f) provide more space for cargo bikes, child trailers etc.;
(g) keep cyclists away from driver side car doors, and also away from the gutter and the drainage channel to the left; and
(h) allow cyclists to avoid any other debris in the bike lane (e.g. broken glass). - It is also noted that the requirement to remove parking along one side of this street was first acknowledged in the 2010 Council Bike Strategy; it was again acknowledged in the 2016 Council Bike Strategy Refresh.
- Council resolved at the September 2020 meeting to continue with the trial design specifically as endorsed at the December 2019 meeting and installed three months prior in July 2020.
The evaluation phase
- It is clear that pandemic lockdowns and anxieties of people around being exposed to COVID-19 have severely impacted everyone’s lives in multiple ways, including the purpose of trips, distance of trips and way in which people travel. This has made assessing trials in any street environment in Melbourne very difficult.
- The December 2019 Council resolution was made before COVID-19 occurred, and at that time, it was reasonable to assume that nothing would prevent data collection and other survey work from:
(a) being physically collected; and
(b) that the data collected would represent a normal ongoing situation of how infrastructure is used and performs to inform subsequent decision making.
- The pandemic is still ongoing, as are its impacts on transport and movement.
- Data collection over the last 12 months has been very challenging with continual and sometimes extended lockdowns making any informed assessment of a trial in a ‘normal ongoing day to day setting’ impossible. For example, commuter cycling, train and tram numbers are significantly down across the whole of inner Melbourne, as hundreds of thousands of people employed at CBD offices have primarily been working from home.
- Further, schools, universities, café’s, shops, museums, galleries, hotels, sports stadiums and even children’s playgrounds have also been closed with obvious impacts. It has been anticipated that once 80% of the population are vaccinated then most things will be able to open up in a COVID-19 safe way and will then be able to stay open. Some anxieties in persons will still no doubt exist for some time regarding travel modes.
- Notwithstanding COVID-19 and the lockdowns, three quarterly rounds of data collections and survey work have been undertaken by independent consultants engaged by Council (see Attachment 1).
- Quarterly reports providing a summary of the data collection have been provided to Councillors previously on Diligent Board software.
- A pop-up event targeted at CALD communities was also completed in March 2021.
- The ‘Your Say Yarra’ page includes an interactive map of the project, which allows the community to add comments on the trial and is checked regularly by officers.
- A fourth and final quarterly round of data collection was scheduled for July 2021, but has not been possible due to further lockdowns until some days ago.
- The following statistical aspects are provided for information:
(a) there has been 317 contributions (including 12 attending the CALD interpreter assisted event in June); and
(b) 86% of those contributors were local to Richmond, Abbotsford or Collingwood. - Further, the analysis of key themes identified in these contributions highlighted:
(a) 28% expressed support for the project because of improved safety (includes reference to improved experience of females and child cyclists);
(b) 4% were advocating for the extension of trial area;
(c) 22% raised concerns related to perceived safety issues (majority relating to narrowness of parking lanes and driving lanes and sight lines at intersections);
(d) 8% expressing dissatisfaction around parking removal and less availability of parking;
(e) 19% expressed concern at the perceived lack of transparency in the consultation (majority advocating a need to be consulted prior to the installation of the trial infrastructure), and (f) the remainder related to issues out of the scope of this engagement. - From the data collected between lockdowns, the following observations, at this time, can be
(a) the proportion of women and children cycling on Elizabeth Street has increased. This aligns with Council objectives to get a wider cross section of society cycling in Yarra;
(b) peak hour cycle journeys have reduced although interpeak trips have also increased. This could be down due to COVID-19 and/or the provision of safe facilities which are used for a broader range of purposes throughout the day;
(c) 575 people have so far participated in intercept surveys on Elizabeth Street across the three quarters. 71% of survey participants encompassing a wide range of people using Elizabeth Street for various purposes across various transport modes said that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the project. This is a positive number particularly given approximately 70% of all respondents had not cycled to Elizabeth Street when interviewed;
(d) further segmentation of the data showed that those most likely to be unsatisfied or very unsatisfied with the project tended to be people primarily using cars as a mode of transport;
(e) the average vehicle speeds are now slightly lower;
(f) traffic volumes have varied for obvious reasons;
(i) the traffic volumes were lower, but have trended upwards at various times of the year depending on the COVID-19 situation; and
(ii) this trend is consistent with traffic volumes across inner-Melbourne. It is assumed this is because people are avoiding public transport due to physical distancing, it could also be because some people do not feel safe using a bicycle on Melbourne’s roads and consequently choose to drive; and
(g) three rounds of extensive on-street and off-street car parking surveys covering thousands of spaces have been undertaken to date. This has shown that parking is still available in the local area. (NB. it should be noted that finding on-street parking is a common challenge for a busy inner-city area and street space is finite).
- It is also noted that since the installation in July 2020, a number of small adjustments have
been made to the trial in response to community feedback; these include:
(a) removal of some bollards to reduce street clutter;
(b) additional signage;
(c) changes to some car parking restrictions;
(d) the installation of disability permit bay; and
(e) improvements to visibility splays for cars entering Elizabeth Street from side streets.
- There are two options available to Council.
- Option 1 – determine a position on the protected bike lanes.
- Option 1 is that Council resolves to make a decision on the trial as soon as is practically possible. There are 2 sub options outlined below for Council consideration.
- This would need to use data that has been collected over the course of the previous 12 months during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Under this scenario officers would report back to Council on permanent options for Elizabeth Street. These options would include:
(a) Option 1 (a): returning the road to its pre-trial design. That is, reinstallation of relatively
narrow unprotected bike lanes next to parked cars (on both sides of the road) and passing traffic; and
(b) Option 1 (b): installing permanent protected bike lanes, trees and other street treatments.
NB. There is significant capital funding required to complete the works in a permanent manner; and this would be subject to further reporting to Council. It is noted that any permanent protected bike lanes works is in the many hundred of thousand of dollars.
- Option 2 – determine to extend the trial due to COVID-19 impacts on evaluation
- Option 2 is that Council resolves to extend the trial by 12 months (e.g. from the date that 80% of the Victorian population is fully vaccinated being November). This would then be post metropolitan wide lockdowns enabling for people’s lives to return to some semblance of normality or a new post COVID-19 normality.
- In this option, the evaluation processes would continue and provide a more realistic appraisal of the trial project to inform future decisions making by the Council. Officers would also explore opportunities for State Government to fund any permanent protected bike lane treatment on Elizabeth Street and report back as part of future discussions on treatments for this street.
NB. Some costs would be minor repair works to the road pavement as required which is anticipated to be approx. $30K for a 12 months period.
Officer Recommendation on options
- The officer recommendation is for Council to extend the trial (Option 2); so that more data can be collected for a solid 12-month period that is not peppered with lockdowns and significant disruptions to how people live and travel. It would also allow time for officers to pursue opportunities for State Government to help fund any permanent protected bike lanes in the future.
- In Option 2, all aspects of how the trial currently operates, managed and monitored as agreed as part of the December 2019 resolution, would continue. This would include:
(a) continuing with the specific existing design as installed in July 2020 (and endorsed by Council in December 2019 and endorsed again in October 2020);
(b) continuing to authorise the Director, Planning and Place Making to instruct staff to make minor (or tweak type) adjustments to the trial where appropriate, and until Council forms an opinion on its future;
(c) continuing the program of data collection and survey work;
(d) continuing with a further pop up engagement event in the street in February 2022 targeted at the CALD community; and
(e) officers continuing to keep Councillors informed on the above matters, including the survey and intercept data reports.
Community and stakeholder engagement
- The formal Council meeting process provides an opportunity for external parties to comment on the topic of extending this existing protected bike lane trial. No other consultation has been undertaken on the specific topic of extending the trial.
- Discussions have occurred with the City Works Division of Council to understand the road surface and trial infrastructure maintenance aspects should the trial be extended. The outcomes of these discussions are that a scheduled road re-sheet can be moved back as need be, without causing a significant asset management issue. Low cost patch ups (approx. $ 30 K) to the road surface can also be undertaken as required over the next 12 months.
- It is noted that the trial infrastructure (bollards, decals, signage and other things) is holding up relatively well and could remain in situ (with some patching as required), should the trial be extended by Council.
- Council policies and procedures regarding CALD community consultation have been followed during the trial and would continue if the trial is extended by Council.
- Further communication to the community would be implemented with all relevant stakeholders and residents to outline any extension of the trial or other decisions of Council.
Policy analysis / Alignment to Community Vision and Council Plan
- The project is a pilot and trial of protected bike lanes in a particular street which is on a ‘strategic cycling corridor’.
- The Council Plan encourages the use of trials to improve safety in a specific environment.
Climate emergency and sustainability implications
- Undertaking pilot and trials, and providing protected bike lanes to deliver infrastructure quickly, and relatively cheaply, to encourage cycling is consistent with a number Council’s transport and Climate Emergency Plan objectives.
Community and social implications
- There are not any known new social implications are associated with extending or not extending the trial.
- Some community members have previously expressed concerns and implications of the trial. These were expressed in the September 2020 Council report and discussed at that meeting.
Economic development implications
- No known economic implications associated specifically with extending the trial.
- Some minor changes to the trial were made previously in response to feedback from a trader at the western end of the street.
Human rights and gender equality implications
- There are no known specific human rights implications.
- Some access, amenity and or economic issues have been expressed including from local religious organisations.
- The intent of the pilot and trial, in part, is to encourage more usage of cycling as a means of accessing the city by all persons, including females and children, who at times, may be more anxious about cycling on roads with no protected lanes.
Operational analysis / Financial and resource impacts
- The financial implications depend on the option being considered by Council. In this regard:
(a) the option of extending the trial for say 12 months (Option 2) would be the cost of incurring some minor road maintenance and material maintenance of approx. $ 30 K to $ 40 K; and
(b) the cost of returning the road to its pre-trial design would be approximately $80 K (that is, to remove the trial infrastructure and reinstate the line-marking to the pre-trail condition). - It is highlighted that changing / rearranging road space with permanent works is very expensive – that is why a trial has occurred in the first instance for evaluation purposes.
- It is noted for illustration, that the Wellington Street protected bike lanes (with concrete separator islands) was very expensive with a large component paid by State Government.
- The cost of any permanent changes to install protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street aligned to the cross section of the current trial, include the following:
(a) a full resheet of the full road of some $ 700 K; that needs to be done within the next few years in any event; it is currently scheduled for 23/24;
(b) any permanent protected bike infrastructure (e.g. concrete kerbs / tree installations / soil preparations for trees etc) would need to be subject to full design aspects being resolved and what standard of fittings Council may determine to use – in this regard, the full cost of permanent protected bike lane infrastructure could range from $500 K to approx. $ 1 M, or possibly more (tbd through design work and specific costings); and
(c) any other variations of the current profile of the trial project (e.g. any crossings) would also need to be costed. - Further rounds of data collection and intercept survey work would be required.
Legal Implications
- There are no known legal implication of an extension to the trial due to current circumstances of COVID-19 lockdowns over an extended period.
- The Elizabeth Street protected bike lane trial was installed as a pilot and trial in July 2020.
This approval by Council included specific dimensions of the various lanes – the reasons were outlined in the previous reports. - This route is on the ‘strategic cycle corridor’ in and out of the central city area and importantly, joins up with the separated bike lanes in Albert Street, East Melbourne.
- The pilot and trial was endorsed to run for 12 months with Council due to decide on a permanent treatment within six months of the conclusion of the trial.
- The pilot and trial is to inform future decision making of Council, and if were to be made permanent by a Council decision, it would also enable some tree planting on the northern side of the roadway, between the carriageway and the bike lane, as a means of separation, but also to provide upper canopy trees once they achieve semi maturity. This would add to the ambience of the street and add shade to the street which is currently lacking.
- Three rounds of quarterly data collection have been completed over a 12-month period that has been heavily disrupted due to COVID-19 lockdowns; a fourth and final round has not been possible due to continual lockdowns over many months since mid this year.
- This report provides options for the Council consideration; with one option being to consider extending the trial. That option would enable additional data to be collected during a new COVID-19 normal to inform decision making on the future of the pilot and trial and what should be the permanent treatment for Elizabeth Street.
- Council is asked to determine the future of the current pilot and trial protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street, Richmond and provide direction to officers.
- That Council:
(a) notes the contents of the officers report on the Elizabeth Street protected bike lanes pilot and trial; and
(b) notes the options outlined for Council consideration, including abandoning the trial, or continuing with the trial at this stage for a further period in order to assess its performance with additional data. - That Council, having noted the officer report and options presented, now determine a course of action regarding the current pilot and trial protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street, Richmond in order to provide direction to Council officers.
- That, if this pilot and trial of protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street is to continue for a further period of time, Council resolve as follows:
(a) to retain the current layout and configuration of the project as it currently exists including the specific width of the cycling lanes to provide lanes with maximum safety and passing manoeuvres on a strategic cycling route;
(b) to authorise the Director, Planning and Place Making to instruct staff to make minor adjustments to the trial, where appropriate, until Council forms an opinion on its future;
(c) that officers continue with the program of data collection and survey work to inform future Council decisions;
(d) that officers arrange a further pop up engagement event in the street in February 2022 targeted at the CALD community to gather further community opinions;
(e) to continue to run and monitor the Your Say Yarra web page regarding this trial; and
(f) note that officers will continue to provide updates to Councillors once further survey results are received.
1 Elizabeth Street Memo Q1
2 Elizabeth Street Memo Q2
3 Elizabeth Street Memo Q3
Attachment 1 – Elizabeth Street Memo Q1
Attachment 2 – Elizabeth Street Memo Q2
Attachment 3 – Elizabeth Street Memo Q3
21 December 2021: Yarra City Council Meeting Minutes: 8.1 Elizabeth Street Protected Bike Lanes Trial
- That Council:
(a) notes the contents of the officers report on the Elizabeth Street protected bike lanes pilot and trial; and
(b) notes the options outlined for Council consideration, including abandoning the trial, or continuing with the trial at this stage for a further period in order to assess its performance with additional data. - That Council, having noted the officer report and options presented, now determine a course of action regarding the current pilot and trial protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street, Richmond in order to provide direction to Council officers.
- That, if this pilot and trial of protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street is to continue for a further period of time, Council resolve as follows:
(a) to retain the current layout and configuration of the project as it currently exists including the specific width of the cycling lanes to provide lanes with maximum safety and passing manoeuvres on a strategic cycling route;
(b) to authorise the Director, Planning and Place Making to instruct staff to make minor adjustments to the trial, where appropriate, until Council forms an opinion on its future;
(c) that officers continue with the program of data collection and survey work to inform future Council decisions;
(d) that officers arrange a further pop up engagement event in the street in February 2022 targeted at the CALD community to gather further community opinions;
(e) to continue to run and monitor the Your Say Yarra web page regarding this trial; and
(f) note that officers will continue to provide updates to Councillors once further survey results are received.
Public Submissions
The following people addressed Council on the matter:
Helen Nguyen (with the assistance of a translator);
Diana I;
Tran Cuc (with the assistance of a translator);
Adam Promnitz;
Theresa Saldanha; and
Quang Truong (read by Rhys Thomas).
Motion – Moved: Councillor Jolly Seconded: Councillor O’Brien
- That Council:
(a) notes the contents of the officers report on the Elizabeth Street protected bike lanes pilot and trial; and
(b) notes the options outlined for Council consideration, including abandoning the trial, or continuing with the trial at this stage for a further period in order to assess its performance with additional data. - That Council, having noted the officer report and options presented, now determine a course of action regarding the current pilot and trial protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street, Richmond in order to provide direction to Council officers.
- That, if this pilot and trial of protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street is to continue for a further period of time, Council resolve as follows:
(a) to authorise the Director, Planning and Place Making to instruct staff to:
(i) make the following changes to the trial to allow both dedicated bike lanes and parking on both sides of Elizabeth St, until Council forms an opinion on its future; and
(ii) make the bike lane widths 1.7m east of Lennox St and 1.5m west of Lennox St; buffer width 0.6m east of Lennox St and 0.5m west of Lennox St; traffic lane to be 3.0m except for east bound on west side of Lennox St where it will be 2.9m; parking lane to be 2.1m; and noting the curb-to-curb width west of Lennox St is 14.1m and east of Lennox St is 14.8m;
(b) that officers continue with the program of data collection and survey work to inform future Council decisions;
(c) that officers arrange a further pop up engagement event in the street in February 2022 targeted at the CALD community to gather further community opinions;
(d) to continue to run and monitor the Your Say Yarra web page regarding this trial; and (e) note that officers will continue to provide updates to Councillors once further survey results are received.
Call For A Division
For: Councillors Jolly and O’Brien
Against: Councillors Stone, Crossland, de Vietri, Nguyen, Landes and Wade
Council Resolution
Moved: Councillor Landes Seconded: Councillor Crossland
- That Council:
(a) notes the contents of the officer’s report on the Elizabeth Street protected bike lanes pilot and trial; and
(b) notes the options outlined for Council consideration, including abandoning the trial, or continuing with the trial at this stage for a further period in order to assess its performance with additional data. - That Council notes the pilot trial is on a strategic cycling route to and from the central business district.That Council note the significantly changed travel patterns in Melbourne over the past 18
months caused by the various COVID pandemic lockdowns, and acknowledges that this has
impacted on the ability of the organisation to properly judge and assess the performance and
usage of the protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street, Richmond. - That Council resolve to extend the pilot trial and protected bike lanes in Elizabeth Street for a period of a further 12 months in order to enable a full and proper evaluation in a period of time that is less impacted by the changed travel patterns.
Call For A Division
For: Councillors Stone, Crossland, de Vietri, Nguyen, Landes and Wade
Against: Councillors Jolly and O’Brien
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8.34pm
The meeting returned at 8.40pm
2022: Elizabeth Street Protected Bike Lanes Trial continues
16 November 2022: Your Say Yarra Elizabeth Street update. ‘A decision on the Elizabeth Street protected bike lane trial will be made in early 2023. Since July 2020 Council has been seeking comments and feedback in real time about the new traffic and road layout conditions created using temporary infrastructure. At the conclusion of the trial, Council officers will review the feedback and assess the trial’s success. A report will then be prepared for Council and a decision on its future is expected in the first quarter of 2023.’
2023: Elizabeth Street – Protected Bike Lanes Trial made permanent
18 April 2023: Yarra Council Meeting Agenda: 7.2 Elizabeth Street – Protected Bike Lanes Trial
A trial of protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street in Richmond has been in place since July Over this time, Council has undertaken extensive data collection and community consultation.
1. Over this time, Council has undertaken extensive data collection and community consultation.
2. The scheduled trial period has now concluded, and a decision is required on the future of this bicycle infrastructure. Officers have reviewed the data and presents to Council information regarding options.
3. If Council seeks to make protected bike lanes a permanent street design outcome, then various options are available to do this. High quality protected lanes are expensive in the context of the Council budget, hence options which maximise the potential opportunities to receive external funding are desirable albeit it may take some time to secure this outcome. Other potential options include extending the existing trial or returning the road to its pre-trial layout. The pre-trial layout consisted of painted bike lanes located between parked cars and passing traffic.
Critical analysis / History and background
4. Elizabeth Street is designated as a Strategic Cycling Corridor (SCC) Primary Route (C1) by State Government. These routes are intended to be key arterial routes for bikes (and now increasingly e-scooters) on Victoria’s bicycle network. Elizabeth Street also forms a key part of the ‘New Deal for Cycling’ network as defined in the Yarra Transport Strategy (YTS).
5. The intention of the New Deal network is to provide strategic bike linkages throughout Yarra that are genuinely safe and comfortable for people of all ages and cycling ability to use. Particularly women and children who are underrepresented in cycling data sets. This will broaden the bicycle user base as much as possible to significantly increase the numbers of people cycling and scootering each day in line with Council objectives.
6. Attachment 1 shows a map of the New Deal for Cycling Network. At this moment in time, 39% of the New Deal Network (approximately 17km’s) is compliant with Council cycling safety and comfort criteria. The YTS target is to make the remaining 30km of the New Deal Network compliant by 2032.
7. Elizabeth Street is currently New Deal compliant as it contains protected bike lanes which are of an appropriate width. These were installed in early 2020 after Council resolved to run a 12-month trial in December 2019. Council then extended the trial by 12 months in September 2020 and again in December 2021. Protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street were first proposed in Council’s 2010- 2015 Bicycle Strategy.
8. The image below shows the protected bicycle lanes on Elizabeth Street which have been installed on a temporary basis using plastic strips, bollards and line marking.
9. The objectives of the trial were to:
(a) Install protected bike lanes for cyclists as quickly as possible following a Council decision to proceed;
(b) Increase levels of cycling generally;
(c) Increase cycling rates across a broader cross-section of the community from the ages of 8 to 80 (including more women and children);
(d) Assess the impacts and benefits of protected bike lanes on the street and gather local community feedback in a real world setting;
(e) Respond quickly to any safety and risk issues as identified by officers, stakeholders and community members by making tweaks to the original design (under Group Manager delegation);
(f) Gather general community views and comments on what people want to see in the street more broadly (e.g. trees, disabled parking bays, bike parking etc); and
(g) Gather bike lane user views on the facilities that Council have provided for them.
10. A significant amount of detailed data and community feedback has been obtained over the 30 months since the trial commenced. The pandemic has impacted the ability of Council to collect data regularly on a quarterly basis and it has also impacted peoples travel patterns and the demand for travel. Notwithstanding this, quarterly update reports have been provided throughout the trial. The reports detail the number of people using the bike lanes, who is using them, traffic speeds, car parking occupancy and levels of community satisfaction via intercept surveys, and Your Say Yarra.
11. The pandemic presents some challenges in determining how success is defined as net cycling volumes on the Elizabeth Street are lower than they were pre-trial.
12. Data is showing however that, bike volumes across Melbourne are starting to trend back to pre-pandemic levels. In the medium to longer term, multiple factors will drive up the demand for access to safe and comfortable bike lanes in Yarra. These include:
(a) high levels of population growth (Melbourne is one of the fastest growing cities in the world);
(b) rising levels of traffic congestion;
(c) packed public transport services;
(d) increased bike freight (deliveries etc);
(e) the ‘cost of living crisis’ (particularly food, fuel and housing costs);
(f) high electric car prices;
(g) low unemployment; and
(h) the rise of e-scooters/electric bikes.
13. Notwithstanding the recent impacts of the pandemic, the data shows that the installation of protected bikes via a trial has been a success when judged against key project objectives for the following reasons:
(a) There is broad community support for the protected bike lanes, average levels of satisfaction (over 7 on street surveys of nearly 1,500 people travelling by various modes of transport) was 6.5 out of a possible 10;
(b) Cyclists and e-scooter users like using the protected bike lanes based on interviews;
(c) The amount of community engagement with the trial has been very high;
(d) 32% of bike lane users are women which is more than double the pre-trial percentage;
(e) The number of children using the bike lanes has increased by a factor of 15 from the pre-trial level (albeit off a low base);
(f) Increases in cycling by women and children strongly indicate that total cycling levels are higher than they would have been if protected lanes hadn’t been installed regardless of the impact of COVID-19;
(g) Average vehicle speeds are slightly lower, as are traffic volumes;
(h) There has been a decrease in the number of recorded crashes causing serious injuries to cyclists along Elizabeth Street;
(i) A number of ‘tweaks’ were made having considered community feedback where this was appropriate, demonstrating that trials are adaptable and responsive; and
(j) Officers were able to respond to community feedback by making adjustments to the trial through such things as new signage, provision of disabled parking bays, changes to parking operations and removal of street furniture that was causing visual clutter.
14. Attachment 3 provides a detailed summary of the data collected from 1,457 on street intercept surveys on Elizabeth Street, 110 survey responses through Your Say Yarra and 318 map pin comments via Your Say Yarra.
15. On Elizabeth Street, there are two factors to consider over the coming years when deciding what happens, when it happens and who will fund the works. The road surface is nearly worn out
16. The road surface requires a road re-sheet which is being planned for. In advance of this, road surface patching can be done annually as needed at a cost of up to $30K. This is not something that can be done indefinitely and officers will keep Councillors informed as time goes by should the road surface start to deteriorate beyond patch up repairs.
17. Re-sheeting the road costs approximately $800k and is budgeted within the 10 year capital works plan. The re-sheet is a key trigger point for the installation of permanent protected bike lanes or another treatment on Elizabeth Street. The installation of permanent protected bike lanes is not within the 10 year capital works budget and is estimated to cost between $700k to $1.5m plus depending on the scope of works. Scope potentially includes not only protected bike lanes but other upgrades like trees, new pedestrian crossings, kerb outstands and other street features. The scope of a permanent bike lane treatment is not proposed to be considered by this report in detail and will require further investigation.
The North Richmond Master Plan
18. The North Richmond Master Plan will be delivered by Homes Victoria and was first announced by State Government in 2020 as a priority project. Stage One of construction has planning approval for a site on the north side of Elizabeth Street with construction scheduled to commence 2023. Future Stages and finalisation of the Master Plan are unknown at this stage but a five-to-10-year timeframe for completion is a reasonable assumption.
19. Over this time, large amounts of heavy construction traffic will wear the existing road surface
down further and may cause some damage to street furniture (kerbs, bollards and other fixtures and fittings).
20. As a result of wear and tear on the road, Homes Victoria may be required to contribute to some or all of the re-sheet to return the road surface back to an acceptable condition.
21. Other State Government contributions may also contribute to the installation of permanent kerbed protected bike lanes and other street upgrades to support the future Masterplan for the North Richmond Estate and deliver on State transport policy, noting the strategic importance of Elizabeth Street as a bike route.
22. The immediate decision to make the protected bike lanes a permanent street feature does not mean that the existing temporary infrastructure needs to be removed quickly and/or replaced with more permanent concreate kerbing and other street furnishings. The existing temporary infrastructure can be left in situ and maintained at a cost of approximately $10k per annum for the foreseeable future and will continue to protect cyclists from passing traffic and car dooring hazards. Elizabeth Street will also continue to be compliant with the new Deal For Cycling.
23. A permanent treatment can then be installed at a future time that on balance best suits Council when construction impacts and external funding opportunities are considered.
24. The scheduled trial period has now concluded and a decision on next steps is required.
25. There are five main options presented in this report for Council to consider:
(a) Option One – Keep the protected bike lanes. Leave the existing infrastructure as is and maintain it. Explore State funding opportunities;
(b) Option Two – Keep the protected bike lanes. Install new permanent protected bike lanes as quickly as possible via a Council funded road re-sheet;
(c) Option Three – Continue trial for at least an additional 12 months;
(d) Option Four – Remove the protected bike lanes. Return the original line marking immediately on the existing road surface; and
(e) Option Five – Remove the protected bike lanes. Return the original line marking via a Council funded road re-sheet.
26. A table summarising the options is provided as Attachment Four.
Option One
27. Leave the trial protected bike lanes as they are for now (with plastic bollards etc). Install permanent infrastructure (concreate kerb separators etc) as part of a future road re-sheet program (which may include a contribution from Homes Victoria) and explore opportunities for State funding for the permanent bike infrastructure. The timing of this will be governed by the actioning of the Homes Victoria masterplan and any future construction out of the Master Plan process. Funding of up to approximately $40k per year will be required to patch the road surface ($30k) and maintain the plastic bollards, signage and other trial furniture (10k);
28. Undertake an audit of the existing trial infrastructure as quickly as possible to see what condition it is in replacing it and cleaning it as appropriate. Beyond that the trial infrastructure will be maintained on an ongoing basis as appropriate with any existing damaged or missing plastic strips and bollards replaced.
Option Two
29. Install new permanent protected bike lanes as quickly as possible by Council bringing the road re-sheet forward and not tying it to Homes Victoria construction. The minimum timeframe for commencement of the installation would be three years once sufficient capital budget and officer resources are allocated in the Council budget. The road surface and bike lanes are then likely to be impacted by construction associated with the North Richmond Housing Estate re development.
30. Undertake an audit of the existing trial infrastructure as quickly as possible to see what condition it is in replacing it and cleaning it as appropriate. Beyond that the trial infrastructure will be maintained on an ongoing basis as appropriate with any existing damaged or missing plastic strips and bollards replaced.
Option Three
31. The trial would continue for at least an additional 12 months with no commitment made to keeping the protected bike lanes at this moment in time.
32. This would require funding for four more quarters of data collection and maintenance as required. The approximate cost of this would be $130k per additional year.
33. Undertake an audit of the existing trial infrastructure as quickly as possible to see what condition it is in replacing it and cleaning it as appropriate. Beyond that the trial infrastructure will be maintained on an ongoing basis as appropriate with any existing damaged or missing plastic strips and bollards replaced.
34. Officers do not recommend this option as it would require significant officer time and capital expenditure at minimal value given Council already has 30 months of data.
Option Four
35. Remove the protected bike lanes and return the original line marking to the existing road surface in advance of a road re-sheet that may include some State funding. Under this option changes to line marking would be done a minimum of six weeks from a decision. The line marking would need to be done again once the road is re-sheeted.
36. Officers do not recommend removing the protected bike lanes as this would be contrary to the Yarra Transport Strategy.
Option Five
37. Remove the protected bike lanes and return the original line marking as part of a Council funded road re-sheet program. Under this option changes to line marking on the existing surface would be done a minimum of six weeks from a decision. The minimum timeframe for doing the road re-sheet would be 18 months. Homes Victoria will not pay for this road resheet as it is prior to the completion of their works. They will need to pay for repairs to the newer road surface after their works are completed.
38. Officers do not recommend removing the protected bike lanes as this would be contrary to the Yarra Transport Strategy.
Recommended Option
39. Officers recommend Option One as this enables protected bike lanes to remain at the lowest short term cost to Council whilst also maximising the opportunity for securing external funding opportunities for a new road surface and a permanent bike infrastructure.
40. The officer’s view is that on balance Option One should be taken which is:
(a) make the protected bike lanes a permanent street feature. Leave the existing bollards as they are and look for opportunities for State Government funding to contribute to a road re-sheet, permanent protected bike lanes and other street improvements; and
(b) undertake an audit of the existing trial infrastructure as quickly as possible to see what condition it is in replacing and cleaning it as appropriate. Beyond that the trial infrastructure will be maintained on an ongoing as appropriate with any existing damaged or missing plastic strips and bollards replaced.
41. Under this option, officers will update Councillors on progress with advocacy to secure external funding and will advise on potential delivery timeframes for the road re-sheet and permanent bike lane install.
Community and stakeholder engagement
42. An extensive community engagement strategy has been implemented over the 36 month trial street despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
43. This has included:
(a) Posting information and receiving feedback through the Your Say Yarra webpage;
(b) Popup in-person engagement sessions targeted at CALD communities;
(c) In-person and random intercept surveys conducted by an independent consultant;
(d) Receiving feedback by email and phone;
(e) Various letter drops and information posters;
(f) In person meeting with residents and business to discuss the project;
(g) Community engagement during the development of the Yarra Transport Strategy 2022-32; and
(h) Direct notifications to abutting property owners and occupiers.
44. Officers have employed various strategies to engage ‘hard to reach’ groups and CALD communities as much as possible. This has included the use of interpreters and bilingual written material.
45. Key topics the community raised include:
(a) Safety benefits, especially for women and children cycling and walking;
(b) Safety, such as narrower widths of driving and car parking lanes;
(c) Community engagement approaches generally and the use of trials;
(d) Concerns over reductions to on-street car parking and suggestions regarding changes to parking management;
(e) When the bicycle lanes will be made permanent; and
(f) Various observations over the visual appearance of the trial infrastructure.
46. Attachment Two contains a detailed summary of community engagement results.
Policy analysis / Alignment to Community Vision and Council Plan
47. Alignment to Community Vision and Council Plan
48. Strategic Objective 5 of the 2021-25 Council Plan is that “Yarra’s transport network is sustainable and recognises that streets are important shared public spaces. Transport and movement is accessible, safe and well connected.” Indicator (i) of the Transport and Movement Theme measures kilometres of separated cycling lanes delivered, which this project works towards.
49. Theme 4 of the 2036 Yarra Community Vision identifies a future priority for Council to create “a transport system that is innovative, efficient, sustainable and accessible”. This project helps to deliver this priority.
50. The Yarra Transport Strategy 2022-32 identifies several objectives and policies that support this project. This includes the New Deal for Cycling (Policy 4), using pop-ups, pilots and trials to deliver projects (Policy 5) and prioritising walking, cycling and public transport over car use (Policy 1).
Climate emergency and sustainability implications
51. Transport is the third-largest and fastest-growing source of emissions in Yarra. In 2023, the vast majority of these emissions are generated by private cars.
52. The Victorian Cycling Strategy, Yarra Transport Strategy 2022-32 and the Yarra Climate Emergency Plan 2020 all identify that mode shift away from private cars and towards sustainable modes of transport are essential for climate mitigation and adaptation.
53. Unsafe bicycle infrastructure is the main barrier to getting more people cycling more often. This can be overcome by providing comfortable and attractive conditions for cycling. Protected bicycle lanes, such as those on Elizabeth Street, provide a much safer road environment that encourages cycling.
Community and social implications
54. This project seeks to make Yarra’s transport network more equitable, inclusive and accessible.
55. Council undertook extensive community engagement throughout the trial period. This included specific outreach to communities that are traditionally underrepresented in project consultations. Details of the methodology and results are included in this report.
Economic development implications
56. Projects that make it easier and safer for people to ride have consistently shown economic benefits. Improving facilities for people riding bikes has ancillary benefits, such as improved street amenity, increased natural observation, as well as direct benefits, such as more customers visiting businesses nearby.
57. No known economic implications are associated specifically with this project.
Human rights and gender equality implications
58. Data has shown significant increase in the proportion of women cycling on Elizabeth Street. This result correlates with research and results from other projects that make it easier and safer for people to ride.
59. This project has been assessed under The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 and Gender Equality Act 2020 and no implications have been identified.
Operational analysis / Financial and resource impacts
60. The financial implications of the projects depend on the option selected by Council.
61. Other permanent works of this scale, such as on Wellington Street in Collingwood, are often partly or fully funded by the State Government as any changes to a street layout align with State objectives for transport.
Legal Implications
62. There are no known legal implications of making the trial permanent. Council retains the necessary powers under legislation including the Road Management Act 2004 and Local Government Act 2021.
63. The Elizabeth Street Protected Bike Lane Trial was installed in July 2020. The trial has since been extended by Council in 2020 and 2021.
64. The route is one identified by several Council and State Government policies and strategies as one of the highest importance to upgrade. These include the Yarra Transport Strategy 2022-32 and the Department of Transport’s Strategic Cycling Corridors.
65. The trial was intended to inform a decision by Council on any permanent solution by monitoring its operation and identifying issues. An extensive catalogue of data and community feedback has been collected and analysed.
66. Officers consider that all objectives set out by Council have been achieved. Community engagement has been high and users of the protected bike lanes have provided positive feedback and want it to be retained. The trial has also resulted in more women and children using the bike lane which is a key indicator in the context of council objectives to increase the amount of travel by active transport.
67. The Homes Victoria proposal presents an opportunity for the State Government to be involved in funding or partially funding a long term vision for the street including kerbed protected bike lanes and potentially other street features such as kerb outstands, trees, and additional pedestrian crossings. There are also opportunities for State Government to contribute funds to a road re-sheet so the road is in an appropriate condition when construction works are finished.
1. That Council:
(a) note the findings of the Elizabeth Street bicycle lane trial;
(b) determine to retain the protected bicycle lanes on Elizabeth Street; and
(c) leave the existing temporary protected bicycle lane infrastructure in situ, conducting necessary maintenance and cleaning as appropriate, including to the bollards, plastic strips and road surface.
2. That in recognition of the adjacent Homes Victoria redevelopment project, Council explore funding opportunities as part of that project for:
(a) partial or full road re-sheeting of Elizabeth Street;
(b) the installation of permanent protected bike lanes (using concrete kerbs etc.); and
(c) other complimentary street works (trees, pedestrian crossings etc.).
3. That officers keep Council up to date on the road asset condition, timeframes for completion of the Home Victoria works and progress with securing State funding for a re-sheet, construction of permanent protected bike lanes and other treatments on Elizabeth Street.
Attachment 1 – New Deal for Cycling Map (1 page)
Attachment 2 – Elizabeth Street Engagement Report (3 pages)
Attachment 3 – Elizabeth Street Data Summary (5 pages)
Attachment 4 – Elizabeth Street Options (1 page)
18 April 2023: Yarra Council Meeting Minutes: 7.2 Elizabeth Street – Protected Bike lanes Trial
- That Council:
(a) note the findings of the Elizabeth Street bicycle lane trial;
(b) determine to retain the protected bicycle lanes on Elizabeth Street; and
(c) leave the existing temporary protected bicycle lane infrastructure in situ, conducting necessary maintenance and cleaning as appropriate, including to the bollards, plastic strips and road surface. - That in recognition of the adjacent Homes Victoria redevelopment project, Council explore funding opportunities as part of that project for:
(a) partial or full road re-sheeting of Elizabeth Street;
(b) the installation of permanent protected bike lanes (using concrete kerbs etc.); and
(c) other complimentary street works (trees, pedestrian crossings etc.). - That officers keep Council up to date on the road asset condition, timeframes for completion of the Home Victoria works and progress with securing State funding for a re-sheet, construction of permanent protected bike lanes and other treatments on Elizabeth Street.
Public Submissions
The following people addressed Council on the matter:
Sasha Beitner;
David Balding;
Jeremy Lawrence, Streets Alive Yarra;
Andrea Cook; and
Troy Parsons.
Council Resolution
Moved: Councillor Landes Seconded: Councillor Crossland
- That Council:
(a) note the findings of the Elizabeth Street bicycle lane trial;
(b) determine to retain the protected bicycle lanes on Elizabeth Street; and
(c) leave the existing temporary protected bicycle lane infrastructure in situ, conducting necessary maintenance and cleaning as appropriate, including to the bollards, plastic strips and road surface. - That in recognition of the adjacent Homes Victoria redevelopment project, Council explore funding opportunities as part of that project for:
(a) partial or full road re-sheeting of Elizabeth Street;
(b) the installation of permanent protected bike lanes (using concrete kerbs etc.); and
(c) other complimentary street works (trees, pedestrian crossings etc.). - That officers keep Council up to date on the road asset condition, timeframes for completion of the Home Victoria works and progress with securing State funding for a re-sheet, construction of permanent protected bike lanes and other treatments on Elizabeth Street.
Carried Unanimously
19 April 2023: Council unanimously resolves to make Elizabeth St protected bike lane permanent: ‘At its 18 April 2023 Council Meeting, Yarra City Council resolved to make the Elizabeth Street protected bike lanes permanent following the completion of a trial introduced in July 2020. Yarra is proud to deliver a safer option for cyclists on this key commuter route. This move makes cycling a more accessible transport option for residents all over the municipality.
Protected bike lanes are safer for cyclists to use and will encourage more people of all ages and abilities to ride which is a key objective of the Yarra Transport Strategy. Data from the trial shows that the number of women and children using the upgraded bike lanes has increased significantly which is important as these groups are underrepresented as a proportion of all cyclists in Yarra.
The protected bike lanes have also slowed down traffic and reduced the risk of fatal accidents for motorists and pedestrians. The outputs of an extensive community engagement process have shown that there is support for the provision of protected bike lanes on this street. Council will now explore opportunities to secure funding to replace the existing temporary infrastructure with longer term kerbed bike lanes along with tree plantings, landscaping, and other street feature upgrades.
You can read more on the trial via our dedicated Your Say Yarra webpage: Trialling a safer Elizabeth Street.’
Return to top of page2024: Yarra Council: Notice of Motion No.19 of 2024 – motion includes move to narrow Elizabeth Street lanes + Remove Coppin Street pop-up bike lanes
26 November 2024 Yarra City Council Meeting Agenda: Item 8.1 – Notice of Motion No.19 of 2024 starting on page 125. Refer to point 11: Elizabeth Street and 12: Coppin Street.
Elizabeth St cycle lane
- That a report be presented to the February 2025 Council meeting cycle to consider options and costs in relation to:
(a) Modifying the Elizabeth St, North Richmond cycle lane to:
(i) allow both dedicated bike lanes and parking on both sides of Elizabeth St, until Council forms an opinion on its future; and
(b) Providing advice on:
(i) bike lane widths east and west of Lennox St;
(ii) buffer widths east and west of Lennox St;
(iii) traffic lane widths east and west bound on Lennox St; and
(iv) parking lane widths noting the curb to curb widths of Lennox St; and
(c) The report is to include traffic engineering advice and costings to make the adjustments for the trial and costing for the works to be permanent and any required approvals from the Department of Transport and Planning.
Coppin Street ‘bike-friendly’ pop-ups
- That a report be presented to the February 2025 Council meeting cycle to consider options and costs in relation to:
(a) the removal of the ‘bike-friendly’ pop-ups in Richmond so as to modify the Coppin Street, Richmond cycle lanes to:
(i) Remove the bike-friendly pop-up barriers in Richmond at the intersection of Coppin Street and Swan Street, both north and south of this intersection, removing the traffic bottlenecks currently occurring; and
(ii) Remove the ‘bike-friendly’ pop-up barriers in Richmond at the intersection of Coppin Street and Bridge Road, both north and south of this intersection, removing the traffic bottlenecks currently occurring; and
(b) Detail the amount currently in Council’s Victorian Government Safe Local Roads and Streets Program and a projection for funds expected in 2025/2026. This data should be broken down into projects and zones.
26 November 2024 Yarra City Council Meeting Minutes: Item 8.1. – Notice of Motion No.19 of 2024. Refer to point 11: Elizabeth Street and 12: Coppin Street
Elizabeth St cycle lane
(b) Providing advice on:
(iv) parking lane widths noting the curb-to-curb widths of Lennox St; and
(c) The report is to include:
(i) traffic engineering advice and costings to make the adjustments for the trial and costing for the works to be permanent;
(ii) any required approvals from the Department of Transport and Planning;
(iii) include a plan to seek funding from the State Government to assist Council in performing any works recommended; and
(iv) include previous collected consultation data from the community
The amendment was accepted by the mover and seconder and incorporated into the motion.
Moved: Councillor Wade
Elizabeth St cycle lane
(iv ) include previous collected consultation data from the community and any other information previously provided to Council.
The amendment was accepted by the mover and seconder and incorporated into the motion.
Moved: Councillor Harrison
Coppin Street ‘bike-friendly’ pop-ups
12. That a report be presented to the February 2025 Council meeting cycle to consider the results of the current ‘bike friendly’ pop-up trial and community consultation, community feedback via ‘Have Your Say’ and traffic counts from Coppin and neighbouring streets to measure diversion of vehicles, together with options and costs in relation to:
(a ) Alteration of the configuration of the trial pop-ups to reduce the vehicle traffic congestion particularly at the Coppin Street and Swan Street intersection The amendment was accepted by the mover and seconder and incorporated into the motion.
Moved: Councillor Crossland Seconded: Councillor Wade
Coppin Street ‘bike-friendly’ pop-ups
- That a report be presented to the February 2025 Council meeting cycle to consider:
options and costs in relation to: the results of the current ‘bike friendly’ pop-up trial and community consultation, as well as the following:
(a ) Council notes that:
(i) Permanent changes to existing infrastructure cannot be made as part of a trial, such as the central media island on Coppin St at the intersection of Swan St;
(ii) The Southbound left turning traffic lane from Coppin St into Swan St will be reinstated as part of a permanent design; and
(iii) No other turning lanes were temporarily removed as part of the ‘bike friendly’ pop-up trial on Coppin St.
(b ) Exploration of different design solutions that could allow for greater continuity of separated cycling treatment as part of a permanent design, including bi-directional treatment;
(c ) Traffic counts, including rationale and potential means of address of perceived increased traffic on Coppin St; the removal of the ‘bike-friendly’ pop-ups in Richmond so as to modify the Coppin Street, Richmond cycle lanes to
(d ) Details of the amount currently in Council’s Victorian Government Safe Local Roads and Streets Program and a projection for funds expected in 2025/2026. This data should be broken down into projects and zones.
For: Councillors Crossland, McKenzie and Wade
Against: Councillors Aston, Davies, Gomez, Harrison, Ho and Jolly
2025: Yarra Council: Elizabeth + Coppin Street Reports due at 8 April 2025 Meeting?
Reports for Elizabeth Street and Coppin Street believed to be included in agenda for Yarra City Councils next meeting on 8 April 2025?
Austroads is the association of the Australian and New Zealand transport agencies, representing all levels of government. On 15 March 2025, AustRoads published Improving Austroads Guidance for Cycling and Micromobility Planning.
‘The report highlights the importance of planning for the increasing numbers of people on bikes and people on e-scooters. Among its key recommendations, the report suggests updates to the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management (AGTM) to strengthen connections to best-practice planning and design principles, and draws on internationally recognised frameworks. The report proposes a glossary of common terms, which will help ensure that terminology is clearer and better reflects the diversity of road users.’
The new report includes key safety requirements for bike lane widths: ‘Riders in cycle lanes of not less than 2m wide and 1m buffer to general traffic up to a speed of 40kph‘ and ‘Minimum 2m bike lanes with 0.8m – 1.2m buffer alongside kerbside activity‘ included in Appendix A Cycling Level of Service Tool (Pages 71-74)
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