UPDATE: Bicycle infrastructure motion 12.1 passed unanimously at Yarra Council meeting on 21 March. Now to next stage of lobbying for $$$!

Cr McEvoy has a notice of motion (scroll down for full text below) for Yarra Councils meeting on Tuesday 21 March  2017 about bicycle infrastructure funding and Active Transport Victoria (ATV)

Many of you would know, Yarra Council had become increasingly reluctant in priorising bicycle infrastructure funding in previous years.

With new councillors elected in November 2016 we now have numerous opportunities to get cycling BACK on the agenda.

And for example, one opportunity we should support is Cr McEvoys motion to seek possible alternative funding sources from the state governments Safe Cyclists and Pedestrians Fund.

Read more about Active Transport Victoria

1. How you can help: attend Tuesday nights Yarra Council meeting and speak in support of this motion

2. Meeting starts Tuesday 21st March, 7pm at Fitzroy Town Hall

3. Things to consider telling Yarra Councillors:

  • You ride in Yarra regularly,
  • You are a local resident,
  • You ride more regularly or know of those who do due to improved bicycle infrastructure,
  • You want council and state government to be proactive in funding alternative transport to vehicles, eg: painted lines on the road is not enough,
  • Your own story about riding in Yarra.

4. If these’s enough people interested in a particular motion, Cr’s will ask for a show of hands & allow it to be brought forward in the agenda.

5. Full text: 12.1 Notice of Motion No 7 of 2017 Cr McEvoy re Bike Infrastructure Funding Trim Record Number: D17/32263

Responsible Officer: Group Manager Chief Executive’s Office

I, Councillor Mike McEvoy, hereby give notice that it is my intention to move the following motion at the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on 21 March 2017:

“That Council:

(a) applaud the Victorian Government’s announcement on 13 October 2016 to support growing rates of cycling and walking in Victoria with the launch of Active Transport Victoria (ATV), and specifically, the prioritisation of infrastructure to keep cyclists and pedestrians safe through the $100million Safe Cyclists and Pedestrians Fund;

(b) note the commitment of the newly established ATV to “work with local Councils and communities to better coordinate the planning of infrastructure and ensure projects are built where they are needed most and delivered on time”;

(c) note that the growing number of cyclists and pedestrians in Yarra contributes to population health improvements, a more efficient transport network with less congestion, and a reduction in carbon emissions, but that without an investment in infrastructure that separates cyclists and pedestrians from motor traffic there is an increased risk of injury and casualties to the most vulnerable road-users;

(d) note the significant work in Yarra over many years to develop leading bike strategy and infrastructure, along with policies to encourage an increase in walking in Yarra and link with neighbouring councils; (e) highlight Yarra’s Bike Strategy adopted in 2009 and the City of Yarra Bike Strategy 2016 Refresh that list over 25 projects to the value of approximately $20 million in priority order; and

(f) request that the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer urgently seek a meeting with the Minister for Transport to ascertain what funding will be available from the promised Safe Cyclists and Pedestrian Fund to support projects ready to proceed in the 2017/18 Financial Year.”


That Council:

(a) applaud the Victorian Government’s announcement on 13 October 2016 to support growing rates of cycling and walking in Victoria with the launch of Active Transport Victoria (ATV), and specifically, the prioritisation of infrastructure to keep cyclists and pedestrians safe through the $100million Safe Cyclists and Pedestrians Fund;

(b) note the commitment of the newly established ATV to “work with local Councils and communities to better coordinate the planning of infrastructure and ensure projects are built where they are needed most and delivered on time”;

(c) note that the growing number of cyclists and pedestrians in Yarra contributes to population health improvements, a more efficient transport network with less congestion, and a reduction in carbon emissions, but that without an investment in infrastructure that separates cyclists and pedestrians from motor traffic there is an increased risk of injury and casualties to the most vulnerable road-users;

(d) note the significant work in Yarra over many years to develop leading bike strategy and infrastructure, along with policies to encourage an increase in walking in Yarra and link with neighbouring councils;

(e) highlight Yarra’s Bike Strategy adopted in 2009 and the City of Yarra Bike Strategy 2016 Refresh that list over 25 projects to the value of approximately $20 million in priority order; and

(f) request that the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer urgently seek a meeting with the Minister for Transport to ascertain what funding will be available from the promised Safe Cyclists and Pedestrian Fund to support projects ready to proceed in the 2017/18 Financial Year.