Read on to see how you can help get this missing link in North Fitzroy finally completed so everyone can enjoy easier access to Rushall station, not getting stuck on a dead end path and less confusion when walking and cycling on the Merri Creek trail. View a map of the area
1. Complete the Yarra Council survey at this link >> Rushall Reserve – Draft Design for Possible Shared Path
View the draft design and have your say via the survey. Feedback is due on Friday 20 May 2016
2. Share Rushall Reserve – Build the Path is a community campaign supporting City of Yarra’s proposed shared trail through Rushall Reserve. We are local residents and interested members of the public who believe the shared trail will have many benefits including increased accessibility and safety, linking the Merri Trail and providing better access to Rushall Station. Let’s Share Rushall Reserve – Build the Path! Read more about it and find out how to submit via our website
3. Please download “Share Rushall Reserve – Build the Path” poster to print, distribute and display (A4, pdf)
4. Community Information Session
Come along to the community information session to find out more and discuss the draft design with Yarra Council officers. Where: Rushall Reserve, North Fitzroy, When: Saturday 7 May from 10am-12pm.
5. An example of what you can send to City of Yarra
You might support the proposed path as it will:
- open the park for use and enjoyment for more people in the community
- connect the Merri Trail
- provide easy access to the park for residents living near Rushall station
- provide a time-saving route for people walking to Rushall station from far-North Fitzroy
- increase accessibility for elderly people, bicycle, pram and wheelchair users
- provide more passive surveilance and an alternative exit-point, increasing safety
- reduce traffic and conflict at Rushall Station underpass
I support The City of Yarra’s proposed design including the path alignment and fence, which allows existing uses, including dog play, to continue. Combined with the new ramp already being built at Coulson Reserve, the proposed path will effectively link Clifton Hill with far-North Fitzroy.
Please build the path to share the park.
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